Chapter 6 ✔️

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Taehyung has fallen head over heels for Y/n. He had learnt sign language for her in the first week of their encounter. He started studying so that he could help her when she needed because he saw her asking help from another boy. He would dance with her, sing with her, cook for her and most importantly love her. He loved her like no one else did.

Taehyung had shown his interest in Y/n since first day and slowly he confessed his love as well. Y/n accepted him too. When at his home, he would often make her sit on his lap or cuddle her to sleep. Y/n's brother, unaware of the things going on thought why his best man not being frequent on mission. Yeah, Y/n's brother was worried about Taehyung.

Y/n was only sister of Min Yoongi. She was born few months before the orphanage caught fire. People thought she died but she did not die. Min Yoongi hid her away from the world. She has bodyguards and security but no one knows she is sister of Min Yoongi. He loves her too much to let anything happen to her but in doing so he had unknowingly caged her. He didn't know that he wasn't protecting her but separating her from the world.

Taehyung absence raised doubt and he asked Jimin about it. Jimin was tired after a hot session and had no energy to think so he just spoke the facts. Yoongi found out Taehyung is mostly away because he has fallen for a mute girl. He wasn't against him falling in love but avoiding mission. He decided to talk to Taehyung about this.

"I am not stopping you from loving anyone but make sure you don't forget your identity." Suga said in dominant tone.

"We have taken revenge on those who burnt down our orphanage. We are already so far from there. Why do we need to continue so bad?" Taehyung asked.

"Because there are people who live because we work effortlessly for them. There is an army of more than a billion people across the world who go to sleep with filled stomach when we get rid of the bastards stealing their food. Do you get it Kim Taehyung?"

"I understand." Taehyung said realising his mistake. They were BTS not just because they held power but also because they used their power to support people around the world. 1/8 of world's population survive because of them. He knew what he had to do.


Mute! -- Kim Taehyung X Reader FFWhere stories live. Discover now