The talk. (Part 1)

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📍: Grocery store

You are scanning through the isles trying to find food for the week.

It has been 3 days since you started contemplating the relationship between you and Owen. Since then, you've had continuous dreams of the boy in the forest. They were all different but had similar settings and people. The scary man and the curly haired boy.

The second dream, the no faced boy walked up to you, he kneeled down to your level and told you "Get away from him, he's not good for you."

The third dream, you were caught in the arms of the dark haired man. He held a knife to your neck as the no faced boy stood a few feet away, pointing a gun. He was bleeding from his arms and one of his legs. Tears were streaming down your face, it feels like you never leave this forest. Nothing makes sense, it's always cold, and you are always in danger.

"Let her go" the boy said

"You stole her from me." The man replied

"I saved her from you." The boy yells

You could feel the man pushing the knife closer to your neck

"You can't save her anymore."

A shot is heard, it rings in your ears as you fall to the ground.

That's how it ends.

You have no idea what these dreams mean, you don't know the mysterious boy, his hair doesn't even look familiar. What you do assume is that the stress with Owen is causing nightmares. You decide you need to talk to him.


You: Meet me for coffee tonight, I need to talk to you.

Him: k

You grab a can of chicken noodle soup and pay before sitting in your car listening to your "the world can be a terrible place" playlist.

Authors note:
You should totally check out the "Cold love" playlist. I may add a link but I'm not sure how I feel about my Spotify being public.
Also, this bitch really said "k"

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