1. Hanako-san is a boy?!

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"Hey, have you heard? This school has seven wonders. You haven't? "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "One", "Two", "Three", and there is rumored to be an eighth. You haven't heard of them? Then I'll tell you about one of them. The most famous story... Is the seventh of the the Seven Wonders: Hanako-san of the Bathroom. In the third stall in the girls' bathroom on the third floor of the old building...lives Hanako-san, who grants a wish to anyone who summons her. But in exchange, she takes something precious from them."

"Nene-chan...Where are you taking me??" The two girls rushed down the sun-kissed hallway, Yashiro hand-in-hand with (Y/n). They kept at it until they came face-to-face with a girl's bathroom stall. The two girls were panting by the time they got there.

"W-We're here...finally.." Yashiro placed her hands on her knees. *WHEEZE* Nene looked at (Y/n) pitifully while the poor girl was breathing heavily on the floor, gasping for air. "N-Nene-chan..WE RAN THROUGH 3 DIFFERENT HALLWAYS. WHERE IN THE WHOLE SCHOOL DID YOU TAKE ME?"

"Right..sorry about that (Y/n)..but remember when Aoi told me about that spirit named Hanako-san? I wanted to get a wish granted, but I was too scared to go alone..." She looked down at her legs, then at the door to the bathroom stall that they worked so hard to get to. "Well if you wanted to go so bad, lets-a-go in! (Y/n) placed her hand on the doorknob, ready to open the stall door, until she was stopped.

"(Y/n)! We can't just go in! I have to knock three times!" She took (Y/n)'s hand off the doorknob. "I-I knew that! I was just waiting for you to do it! Hmph!" (Y/n) pouted. "I'm gonna do it, so please be quiet, (Y/n)." Yashiro raised her hand to the door.




"Hanako-san, Hanako-san...are you there?

"Well that's weird, isn't it Yashiro? I thought she was supposed to pop up the second you opened the door...GASP! MAYBE AOI LIES TO YOU! "Why would she lie to m-" "Here I am." A mysterious hand appears behind the door, seemingly opening it, but when the door is fully opened, no one appears behind the door. "AH YASHIRO THERE'S A GHOST PLEASE IF I DIE DON'T READ MY SEARCH HISTORY I'M GONNA DIE WE'RE GONNA DIE AHHH" "It's okay (Y/n)-Chan..It was just our imaginations...see? there's no one here! Suddenly, a hand appears on Nene's shoulders. "Over here.."

"ah- NO!" The shaking girl tries to hit the spirit, but her hands just go through him. She then falls to the floor, small tears coming out of her eyes.

Haha.Hahaha! 'a boy's voice?' Nene looked up at the Spirit floating above them, laughing, and then he appeared behind (Y/n), grinning. "Are you ok?" (Y/n) looks at him, then back at Yashiro, then back at him again. "I- you're..Hanako-san?" "Yup!" he floats back to Nene, and she backs up against the wall before he can touch her, her hand against her mouth, while (Y/n) goes up to her and holds her hand for the comfort of the both of them. "T-that's her..? I thought she would look more...girly? Maybe she's so ugly that she looks like a boy! *BONK* "Ouch!" Hanako had come up to (Y/n) and hit her on the head for the statement she just made. "I'm pretty sure that It's obvious that I'm not a girl!"

Nene keeps looking at him, seemingly observing him. 'A see-through body, an old uniform, ghostly orbs...'

"Y-you're an.." the ghost boy smiles. "I'm an apparition." He sits on the top of a toilet. "The seventh of the seven wonders of this school, Hanako-san of the bathroom. Nice to meet you~ "

(A/N: I'm so happy I got the first chapter done! I might start making the chapters longer though, so please be patient with me! I hope you've enjoyed the first chapter, and let me know your thoughts!) 

P.S; how do i make the texts bold on computer-

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