Attorney at Law

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(Verse 1)
Yo, listen up, let me tell you 'bout a man named Wright,
Phoenix Wright, in the courtroom, he's a legal fight.
With his slick suits and his hair so spiky,
He's the ace attorney, man, he's mighty.

Objection! Phoenix Wright's on the case,
Gonna bring the truth, gonna win the race.
From the crime scene to the witness stand,
He's the legal eagle, with a plan.

(Verse 2)
He's got Maya by his side, she's his psychic sister,
Together they'll unravel any legal blister.
From the first game to the final trial,
Phoenix Wright's got style, he'll make you smile.

Objection! Phoenix Wright's on the case,
Gonna bring the truth, gonna win the race.
From the crime scene to the witness stand,
He's the legal eagle, with a plan.

Cross-examinations got him thinking quick,
Finding contradictions, making witnesses flip.
He'll turn the tables, he'll change the game,
Phoenix Wright's got the courtroom fame.

(Verse 3)
So raise your hands if you're down with the law,
Phoenix Wright's gonna leave you in awe.
With his logic and his evidence stacked,
He'll knock down lies, ain't no turning back.

Objection! Phoenix Wright's on the case,
Gonna bring the truth, gonna win the race.
From the crime scene to the witness stand,
He's the legal eagle, with a plan.

So that's the story of Phoenix Wright,
The ace attorney, always ready to fight.
In the world of law, he's the king,
Phoenix Wright's here to make your case sing!

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