Kink 56

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Ladies and Gentlemen, get you a partner who can do both 👏🏽 BUT LIKE. Okay, fellow subs or switches that have a sub lean come- come to the front. All the doms, AWAY! SHOO! *Looks left and right* So. I'm not the only one that gets annoyed with my Dom right? With their overpowering aura, knowing how to please me and everywhere and publicly embarrassing me in front of no one but them? It's not just me, correct? I can watch Twitter videos and be like ugh I want that to be me, he'll text me and ask me what I'm doing. "Um. Watching videos." "What kind, princess?" "..normal videos." "..mhm. wanna show me?" "Nooooo-" I SWEAR HE CAN SMELL MY LIES THROUGH THE PHONE, not that they're good ones but still. Another thing, has your Dom ever called you a new degrading nickname and you liked it? He called me his mutt earlier..I don't know why but it turned me on and that scared me further. I just imagine him putting a collar around my neck and telling me if I ever take it off myself I'd be in a world of punishment for days, would I do it just for the punishment fuck? Yes. Would I do it to anger him on purpose? Also yes. But would I ever actually do it when all I want in the world is to be collared by this man? NO. sadly he didn't buy me one yet but he said maybe for my birthday 🤭 or one of those collar bracelets, the little discreet ones. ANYWAYS, I'm getting off track. Back to the topic, I'm mad he knows me so well and how to put me where I belong but when I'm giving the reigns on what to do with him? My brain freezes, I wasn't - I WAS NOT TRAINED FOR THIS. THE FUCK IMA DO TO YOU? i am small with a temper and wired to piss you off so you can make a mess outta me, you want me- you want ME to do something to you? I can suck you off or be a bitch but to do things that you usually do to me? Daddy, I ain't got those bones in my body, maybe if brat mode is and you're underestimating me but princess mode? You're expecting a lot out of me. But another day, another kink, bye bye duckies 🤍

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