It's Called Processing

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2.00 am

I need to go there. I can't think straight right now

Once I get here, seeing the beautiful city of Seoul from up here, I cry

I don't know why am I crying, I should be happy right? I finally meeting the person that I admire the most since forever

And why am I crying

"you okay there?" that guy already here, I didn't see him there

I just nod my head and continue crying

"this whole time I never see you cry, it always me who cry or stress or whatever, you always calm" he said sitting beside me now and keeping his distance trying to be respectful

"to be honest, I don't even know why am I crying"

Then we just sat there in silence for a while with the sound of my crying

"you okay?"

I don't know what to answer

"oh I didn't mean to interrupt you. It's just, I can't see you cry, I feel bad"

I start to stop crying

"um it's fine I guess. Anyway we always share our hardships mentally this whole time right?"

"yea I guess"

"it's been too long to not know each other, I'm Luna"

"Kim, I'm Kim"

"Nice to finally know you" I smile a little while looking at him

"you too" he smile a little too

Then again we sit there in silence until he break the silence first

"you know... I feel like I already know you"

"same here, we meet almost every single day" he nods agreeing with what I said

"anyway the thing you crying about earlier, do you umm want to talk about it?"

"it's so nice of you to ask that, but it's not a big deal. I'm just being taken aback earlier"

"oh okay"

"I've been curious"

"about what?" he asked tilting his head to me

"well for me, I always go here to think about all of my thoughts, this place makes me calm so I won't get stress thinking about anything. And how about you? What takes you to this place?"

"hmm. At first I found this place when I was a newbie at my work, then I fell in love with it ,you can see the beautiful view of the city"

"totally agree with that" I'm smiling while admiring the view

"but then work started to driving me crazy, I can't even have my own quality time. That's when this place became my escape from reality" he said looking down while kicking the gravel under

Again silence, there's only one bench in this place and we sharing it right now. Usually I'm the one sitting here and he's the one sitting on the rock upfront

Today is a beautiful day, even though I should stay at work until 8.00 pm but at least I enjoyed it, and also I got to chat with Min Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook

Remembering all that I start smiling widely which makes me cry again

"woah, what is it? Why you started crying again?"

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