18.Club gone wrong!

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Just as they entered the club i regretted her decision of coming to a club.

I just wanted to go back to my home, curled up in a blanket on my bed with an ice cream tub and watch netflix. That would be better than this.

But sadly it's late now as I am being dragged by my best friend who is now in a full mood of clubbing.

Loud music banging in my ears, while sweaty bodies dancing, couples were making out with each other, waiters roamed around with trays of drinks in their hands, and people in their way were looking at me as if I was a god damn meal.

We reached the bar and daksh and raj ordered shots for them while looking at me when it was my turn to order.

"Umm...anything with no alcohol." I said shifting uncomfortably on my seat.

Raj and daksh shaked their head lightly because they knew that their best friend will never touch alcohol as she's too innocent for it. Not that they want her to get drunk.

After finishing their drinks Raj dragged me to the dance floor so that they can dance together.

I love dancing so in this case I tried to enjoy and started dancing. Dancing makes me help forgetting everything.

I was swaying my hips while my long curls bounced as I moved. My beautiful light-dark brown eyes shine under the party lights .

Author pov

Men were literally drooling over her. Looking at her with lust filled eyes. Even many have already imagined her in their bed but oblivious to their thoughts her innocent mind was just focused on her dance as she laughed lightly clearly enjoying herself.

But her happiness was short-lived when someone put their hand on her small waist making her stop.

"Why did you stop darling? Come on show me your pretty moves. Let's dance together." An unknown man spoke with a stinky breath because of alcohol.

She struggled against his grip and tried to push him to get away from his hold but he didn't budge. Instead he put his face in her neck and started kissing it making her dhiver in disgust. Tears made their way through her eyes and she started shouting for help.

Daksh turned quickly seeing her best friend in problem and a drunk bastard who was hurting her. Anger filled in his veins and he started going towards them but before he could do anything something happens which he can never imagine..


My personal assistant told me that we have a meeting in a club...who organises meeting in the club. Ientered the club and straight went to the VIP area upstairs.

"People are getting wild as it's weekend." Yuvraj remarked while taking a sip from his drink.

I just hummed while swirling the glass and looking at the golden liquid content in it. My thoughts are already occupied by meeting. I wanted to end the meeting soon and go home .
I took a last sip from my glass and opened the button of my grey coat to relax himself. It has been a hectic week for me .

After sometime, when even more loud cheers could be heard i stood up wondering what causes the crowd to get wild suddenly.
Going towards the railing from where I can see the whole crowd, i saw a girl in a dark black dress dancing while poeple were cheering for her.

My eyes narrowed as i looks more carefully to that girl.

When she turned i became shocked seeing her in his club.
What is ruhi doing here?
Then I saw Raj and daksh with her..

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