Chapter 1

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The cozy café nestled on the corner of a bustling street stands out against the backdrop of modern skyscrapers that tower over the town of Gomant, casting long shadows over its inhabitants. Amidst the weary faces and hurried steps of passersby, the café exudes a bubble of warmth and comfort, creating a stark contrast to the surrounding urban hustle. While the sun bathes the scene in a warm glow, an underlying sense of unease lingers in the air.

Customers swiftly enter the café, seeking refuge from the busy streets and finding solace in its familiar embrace. The sounds of laughter and conversation blend with the clatter of cups and the staggered broken hiss of the espresso machine. The enticing aroma of freshly brewed coffee intermingles with the sweet scent of pastries, enveloping the space in an inviting yet slightly unsettling ambiance.

Upon entering, patrons undergo a subtle shift in demeanor. They cast furtive glances over their shoulders, their movements quick and purposeful as if they are afraid to linger too long in one place. Behind forced smiles, their tired expressions hint at a history of hardship and fear, a life lived under the oppressive gaze of authority.

Seated at a corner table bathed in discreet lighting suitable for government-standard cameras to capture even the slightest movements, a cluster of subdued figures gathers closely, their voices hushed and their actions guarded. They share significant glances and communicate in enigmatic murmurs, their gazes flitting around the café as though anticipating unwanted eavesdroppers.

Outside, a government official stands confidently in a dark suit, exuding authority comparable to the invasive building behind her. With a stern gaze fixed on the café entrance, she carefully scrutinizes the address displayed on the burner phone, ensuring it matches the inscription on the side of the building. Her eyes sweep through the window, observing the café's occupants and mentally noting their groupings: two couples, a solitary individual likely waiting for their date, and a father with his son. As her brows furrow in thought, her attention focuses on the group seated at the corner table, triggering a mix of anger and recognition in her mind. She observes their cautious movements and the ineffective attempts to conceal their activities, prompting her to evaluate the situation further.

She is jolted back to reality by the conspicuous space that passersby are leaving her, their widened berth suggesting unease in her imposing presence that hangs over the scene like a foreboding cloud. Dressed in official government attire, her scrutiny seems to unsettle the cafe's patrons, causing a few tables to empty out as people continue with their daily routines. Despite outward appearances, the atmosphere around them is heavy with secrets and a pervasive fear of being under watchful eyes.

With a sigh of relief at the sparsley populated interior, she commends herself for the clever choice of donning her old uniform. Moving into the cafe, she selects one of the many empty seats in the middle, strategically positioning herself with easy access to both exits if necessary.

Glancing out the window beside her, she tunes her ears to the subdued whispers emanating from the table at the back, attempting to block out the back and forth arguments behind the bar as the staff decide who will be tasked with taking her order.

She catches enough of the conversation to learn that they plan to participate in the upcoming demonstration on the main street. "Peaceful protest," she muses silently in her thoughts, disdain evident in her expression. In reality, these protests seldom remain peaceful, often descending into one-sided violence due to the pervasive corruption within the local police force and other authorities. Her nose wrinkles in disgust as she recalls her early days on assignments, eagerly taking part in these brutal events in a bid to earn a gold star approval from the organization and to belong. These brutal occurrences never made the news; instead, headlines would feature stories of violent riots quelled by heroic police and officials swooping in to restore order.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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