Just A Story

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Argenti stood there, red locks glimmering in the moonlight. Rose petals cascaded upon his form as he bowed on one knee in front of me.

"Your beauty is far beyond comprehensible. It defies all logic. It is taking every ounce of me not to capture such beauty in a bottle and keep it to myself just to have and to hold for the rest of eternity. Eternity. Yes, your beauty is eternal, and I shall announce it to the world one day. Miss, marry me."

Argenti spoke with such poetry. I watched as he waited patiently for my answer. I thought, and as I searched for words, I watched his head lower ever so slightly.

His deep voice stated,"I shall wait. For however long it takes, I shall wait. Thank you. So much."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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