08 Well shuck me sideways

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It was early in the morning when Alby and Minho went into the maze, right as the doors opened they had left and Thomas had been wondering all day nonstop bugging them to answer him " alright, but why would Alby go into the maze? " Thomas brought up again. " I mean- he's not, he's not a runner "Thomas was sitting off to the side with Chuck as Newt, zart, and himself were cutting down the bottom part of a cut-down tree.

" things are different now " Newt responded "Alby went to retrace Ben's footsteps before sundown ". " Look are you going to help? " he snarled at Thomas. " so he's going to go back to where Ben was stung? " Thomas ignored him making him roll his eyes in annoyance, "alby knows what he's doing alright? " newt seemed sincere. " he knows better than almost any of us " newt went back to work for a moment.  " what does that mean? almost? " Thomas pressed on.

"All right, it as you heard yeah? " newt pointed at Thomas with the machete he was holding "Every month the box brings up a new arrival. Someone had to be first " he paused "Someone had to spend a whole month in the glade. alone. and that was alby. " he went back to work " I mean, it can't have been easy. but after boys came up one month after the other he saw the truth " the tree of them hacked away at the tree stump.

he had to pause as he got dust in his eye trying to blink it clear momentarily blind " And he learned that the most important thing that we all have is each other" he finished newts sentence, " because we're all in this together "Newt reminded him. there was a long moment of silence as newt hacked away at the stump roots again and he went back to work. " Y/N " Newt called his name "Go get ready " Newt waved him off as Thomas got up to help Newt finally.

He hummed giving his machete to Chuck to put away later and going to his room to grab his runner supplies, he found newt a little later alone "It's three til sundown. knowing alby he'll have me go for the night " he had placed his hands on newt shoulders who looked uneasy at the idea especially after ben had been stung recently in daylight. Thomas was watching from afar trying to listen in " I don't know how things will go. Keep everyone safe alright? Don't let Thomas in the maze " he sternly said to Newt.

Newt nodded slightly " Go before you don't have time "Newt urged as he turned on his heel sprinting towards the door of the maze. thomas came to Newt confused " I thought only runners could go into the maze? What's he doing "Newt shoved the boy's question off " he's special " he dismissed.

- - - - - 2 1/2 hours later - - - - - 

" Minho! Alby! " he shouted, he was on the outskirts near the blades of sector seven.  " Y/N! " he heard Minho shout, he seemed a bit far. he took off in a sprint to minhos voice turning a corner after a few minutes to see Minho crouched over Alby trying to wake him up. " he got stung, I had to knock him out I don't know what to do "Minho was freaking out, for the first time he was there Minho didn't seem calm.

He pulled Alby up, and Minho joined him on the other side "Get him to the doors, we have maybe a half hour at most. Minho, don't expect to make it. We might have to leave alby if we want to live " he spoke calmly immediately trying to get them moving at a jog but dragging alby proved a problem. 

They could hear the boom and scraping of the doors closing and could see most of the gladers shouting at them to move faster, he could see newts pained expression through his blurry vision. " Minho, go, run to the doors and escape. i can survive " he muttered gritting his teeth as the doors were halfway closed and they were nowhere near the exit. 

" I can't do that, not to you "Minho snapped back, the doors were nearly closed as they had given up. setting Alby down there was a shout of Thomas' name as the boy came tumbling into the maze " Good job, you just killed yourself "Minho breathed heaving for breath. he was gripping his hair and pacing around " Shuck this, shucking shuck. Damnit greenie " he stormed to Thomas slapping him across the face.

Thomas looked pained "What the hell was that for!" Thomas shouted back, " I could've kept Minho alive, maybe Alby too but I can't keep all of you alive for a whole night! " he gripped the boy's shirt shoving him away. he walked to Minho hugging the boy in desperate need of comfort, Minho's arm wrapped around his torso "You know what to do right? I've told you? " he pleaded to Minho. " please I can't lose you like I lost theo. please. not like Theo" he trembled.

"What happened to Alby "Thomas' gaze drifted from the two of them to Alby who was knocked out cold. " he got stung "Minho replied solemnly" And his head? " Thomas pressed again. " had to do what I needed to "Minho replied bluntly. his hands trembled "We need to get moving, I can't keep all three of you alive, I can hide alby. I know it but Minho please do what I said " he mumbled gripping onto the boy's runner gear.

"Get Alby up, I'll do what I can to help hide him " Minho promised as he broke away and went to check on Alby, Thomas, and Minho talked in a worried tone. ' what's with him? ' he could hear Thomas whisper as he got albys heavy gear off to make it easier to hide him. ' like we've said, he's different. ' Minho grumbled ' different now? '; ' I'm not in the right to tell you '; 'c'mon maan '; 'no '. " Minho, let's get going " he called.

he heaved Alby onto his shoulder and walked to a thick patch of vines, tie him up against the wall so he won't be seen. " he instructed, as they tied Alby up heaving him with vine-made ropes. the heavy scratching of grievers could be heard as Minho started panicking. " Y/N, Thomas we gotta go " Minho pleaded. " I know, I know " he tiled off his side even though Alby was opposed to be tied higher against the wall. " no c'mon, we can do it "Thomas encouraged.

the screams of the griever make Minho drop his vine " I'm sorry Thomas" Minho apologised as the two of them took off in a sprint. " Turn left " he mumbled to Minho. They turned a sharp corner and slid under a shifting wall, minho almost didn't make the next turn instead being dragged by his shirt around a corner. they ran for a good five minutes til they heard Thomas scream. " C'mon, we can get Thomas and make it to a relatively safe spot " he mumbled.

Minho shouted for Thomas to follow as they rounded corners. Thomas stopped for some reason shouting for a river as a wall closed that he and Minho had already crossed. Thomas had led a griever right into the shutting maze wall crushing it in the moment. his whole body trembled as he took Minho's hand and led them to a high ledge in the maze that is a hard place to access unless you were human-sized. 

" how the shuck did you know where to go " Thomas questioned him. he had an uncomfortable look pressed onto his features.  " don't question me kid " he grumbled. " No, I deserve answers! you can't just be all mysterious and know how to survive a night in the maze! " Thomas was angry. he laid down turning his back to the boy angrily but keeping himself near Minho to remind himself the boy was still alive and didn't die like theo did. " Minho, if he wants to know so much tell the damn shuck face" he snarled shutting his eyes.

"He from a different maze " 

- AN/ again, I'm not the best but this is to improve my skills! please vote and comment and give me positive advice 

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