Chapter 4

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I woke up

Oh hell no farell said

This is not happening he said to me and Trevor

Yeah, are we going to meet up with our parents and uncle? Phoniex said

In a minute phoniex farell said

My mom there she said to me

Then forest faked cough and said bullshit

We all laughed

Mr forest, what did I say about that?

Not too he said

Then we got to our parents

Then we stand next to them

I got next to daddy and he wrapped his arms around me

Your kid huh a girl said it was phoniex mom

It's a new day, people

Unfortunately ginger said

Griff fist bump her

Destiny calls

I don't hear a phone forest said

Ford high five him

The world expects only one thing from us, that we will win

Then we got ready

Ginger helped me

Here ace she said

Mouth looked at me and then got into her suit

Why is always like that?

No one knows  she said

Do you know where everything is?

Yes, thanks ginger

Anytime ace she said with a smile

Then we got ready

Then someone whistle at me

Damn girl he said

I flipped him off

Then I walked with the group

Then we got on the plane

Then I was getting scared

You good, ace? Bronx asked

I get nervous on a plane I said

Aw, the baby scared aw mouth said

We lost Germany, we lost France, if we lose today

We won't get to fight another

I know the pressure on you is enormous

Two minutes to drop

It's all right to be scared

Remember there's no courage without fear

One minute

One minute to drop

Then it was about to open

Oh fuck I said

Abigail, watch your mouth dad yelled

Get ready

Thirty seconds to drop

On my mark

Stand by to deploy

Activate drop lines


Then some of us dropped

Then the plane exploded

Shit I said


Then I dropped

Abigail dad yelled

Then we were floating

Then I fell

Then Trevor told me to follow him

Yeah woo, we made it

Thank, god, we made it


Then Kimmel died

Uncle Kimmel teddy yelled

Then I went over to dad

Hi daddy I said

Baby, what are you doing?

Then I started to attack some aliens

Then Trevor got hit

TREVOR I yelled

Then i started to cry

Hey ace, there's time for crying, get up mouth yelled

Then a plane was about to hit but Bronx saved me

Thanks Bronx

Yeah he said

Then he got me down

Then I saw a blonde woman with a sword thing

We need help

Someone help us out, we need it now

Then I got up and went over

Abigail, get over here now dad yelled

I didn't listen and went over

Then I grabbed a knife and started to cut

Thanks kid she said

Then the alien grabbed me and killed me

Abigail dad yelled

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