I'm okay

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One step. Breath. You got this? Breath. Are you okay now? STOP! Look if you can just breath you'll be fine. Do you think I'm okay? I could tell you I am but would you really leave me be. I didn't think so. So let me explain something to you. Sometimes in my own little world I start to feel empty, stuck and I can understand that I am but then I question why it won't go away. This stupid little feeling of emptiness, believing everything is great and okay. It is okay right? It could be I suppose maybe I don't really understand that feeling. Being okay. I'll never know maybe I can go to the doctor. They'll have some answers for me regardless of what it is I'll listen. I promise. I may never touch anything because I am scared of ruining my mind. Having something take a bit of it away, of who I am. I never think of myself as complex when it comes to my mind over processing life. That could be anxiety. I don't know and I may never. So what now, hope it always goes away. I don't feel okay sometimes especially when I'm in this mind set. I hate myself for it but who doesn't hate themselves a little. I can't be the only one right? I'll be okay. It's normal. I'm okay.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Mar 19 ⏰

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