Chic Quest

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The next day, around the early afternoon your mother notifies you that she was successfully able to get in touch with the school district in South Park, and they had agreed to allow you to enroll temporarily. A deadline hadn't been given, as it was still up in the air. However, the school district had assured your mother that although the school was already in session, and that they were nearing the halfway point of the school year, it wouldn't affect your academic success.

You would be able to start tomorrow morning, since today had already started. You'd need to visit the principal's office beforehand in order to retrieve your schedule and go over some guidelines to ensure that you understood the policies and expectations that the school expects from each and every student who attends.

You feel your phone buzz in your back pocket, indicating you've received a text message. Pulling your phone out of your back pocket, you check the screen to see that it's the group message that Wendy had created between you, herself, and Bebe.

Wendy🌸 has changed the chat name to Sparkles

Wendy🌸: Hey, Y/N this is Wendy! I was finally able to get this group made, so go ahead and get both our numbers saved to your phone now !

Bebe💋: Yeah girl, save our numbers and we can plan something when we're not in school or something! We've gotta' go to the store and get you an outfit so you don't stand out here in SP with your (hometown) attire LOL.

Y/N🎀: Hey girls! I wouldn't mind going out to get some new clothes! I'm so glad you decided to make this group because I start school tomorrow !

Wendy🌸: Wait, what?! OMG! Girl, I'm so glad you've told us, we're going to have to go shopping TODAY then! After school, how about Bebe and I pick you up and we can go to the mall? 💅

Y/N🎀: Oh, it won't be a bother for you guys? If it's not a big deal, I would absolutely love to go shopping for some school clothes! Besides, you guys probably have a better fashion sense than I do, so PLEEEEASE HELP! 🥲

Bebe💋: You know we're gonna help ya, bitch! Don't worry, when Wendy and I are done with you, you'll become a complete boner magnet.

Wendy🌸: OMG Bebe! What if Y/N isn't even interested in SP boys? Chill girl. 😨

Bebe💋: Ok, then be the girl they could never have. Still become the new bad bitch in school, you know? 😈

Y/N🎀: I love the enthusiasm, Bebe LOL! You girls are the best, I can't wait to go shopping with you!

Wendy🌸: You're at the Tweak residence, right? We'll be there around like, 3:30-ish so be ready!

Y/N🎀: Yes ma'am!

You smiled down at your phone, excited that the new friends you had met yesterday were already willing to help you go shop for new clothing. This only made you far more excited for school tomorrow. Not only were you going to surprise the friends you'd met yesterday, but you were sure that Team Craig would've been happily surprised to see that you were out and socializing with other classmates.

Without wasting any time, you looked through the closet in your temporary bedroom, looking through the clothing that you've already had here. It's true what Bebe said, your clothing wasn't really something that'd blend you in with the South Park High students. Everyone that you'd seen had really casual clothing at school, and most of the time it was accessories which had made them stand out, or the vibrant colors of their sweaters and long-sleeve shirts.

While you couldn't image yourself standing out in a bright sweater color, you definitely didn't mind if the colors were more neutral, soft and easy on the eyes. Your shoes... Your shoes might work, but if the snow were to get any worse, then you'd probably be slipping and sliding around trying to navigate the sidewalks.

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