First Kiss

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You had just recently moved, and halfway through the school-year at that. It was a hard adjustment, but you managed to adjust well enough. Fitting in was easier than you expected, though there were of course those few annoying bitches here and there. The usual high school mean girls. Everything was fine, but you couldn't help but miss your old friends, especially a certain blonde in particular. Taylor messaged you, at least once a week, but it wasn't enough. Lately you've found yourself thinking about her more often, remembering all the moments you shared. You and Taylor were close, always making jokes and flirting– not seriously though...well, probably not? It was understood between the two of you that it was all for the shits and giggles.

Besides, the both of you were straight.

You're pondering about this while absentmindedly staring up at the posters in your room. They were of various bands and movies that Taylor got you into. She was always lively, especially when rambling to you about her interests. You absolutely loved it, and could listen to her for days on days. You grin at the thought, when suddenly your phone dings.

You were sitting on the floor of your brand new room, it was mostly empty except for the bed frame you have been leaning against for the past hour. You'd just done your laundry and finished placing some soft pink sheets on your bed when you heard the notification. Scrambling around your room and messing up the piles of clothes you just folded, you searched for your phone. You knew it was Taylor, since she had a special ringtone on your phone. Even though you know it's her, when you read the name that popped up on the screen, "TAY!💗", your heart skipped a beat. Deciding on just kneeling on the floor with your arms resting against the edge of the bed, you hurriedly inputted your password and swiped up. You slowly looked over the message.


"heyy baby 😘"

"i miss you sososoos much"


"wanna come over this weekend?"

It had been forever since you last saw Taylor in person, since you'd both been busy with school, and you were getting settled. So naturally, you snatched your phone back up, and began to type a message back. As you were about to click send, your fingers suddenly hesitated, but why? You shook it off and forced your thumb to press down on the bright blue arrow button.

"hey tay!💞"

"of course I do"

You thought for a moment, before adding,

"you better have made those cookies i like"

Just a few seconds later, she replied back.

"seriously? of course i did"

"anything for you"

Taylor sent 3 heart emojis after that, and you could picture her face all those miles away as she sent it. She probably had that cheeky smirk on her face, the one where you couldn't tell just exactly what she was thinking behind it. As you envisioned her reaction and her sparkling blue eyes, there it was again. That weird feeling in your chest as you stupidly grinned at your screen. It definitely hadn't helped that you had been binging k-drama and romance novels. Your head was filled with all sorts of imaginations as you jumped onto your back on the bed and kicked your feet around.

The weekend couldn't come any quicker as you were incredibly excited, and had been painstakingly waiting. Eventually, it was finally friday and you couldn't wait for the next day, pacing around your room as you decided what to bring. You really didn't need to be getting ready yet at all, but you couldn't get your mind to focus on anything else.

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