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October 31, 1979 

5:15 AM St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries Labor wing

Vega Black lies in her hospital bed, clutching the hand of her beloved husband, Sirius Black. Rain lightly patters against the window of her hospital room as a nurse prepares for the delivery. As the time draws near, Vega experiences a blend of fear and excitement, while Sirius is filled with anticipation to meet their child. "I think it's time, my love," Vega whispers to Sirius. He nods, "Hold that thought, James must be here by now." Vega releases Sirius's hand and scowls at her husband, "James, really? Hurry and check before I curse you, Sirius Black." Sirius offers a sheepish smile to the love of his life, and kisses her on the forehead "And please bring Remus back with you!" Vega adds then Sirius rushes out of the room.

Sirius, after a brief absence, makes his return to the room a few moments later. Accompanying him is none other than Remus Lupin, James Potter, and Lily Potter their best friends. James face is lit up with a contagious, ear-to-ear smile that spreads warmth throughout the room. "I wouldn't miss this for the world," he declares enthusiastically, his voice filled with genuine excitement. Remus reaches out and takes Vega's free hand "We are right here with you". The room, already buzzing with a sense of anticipation, seems to hold its collective breath. Every tick of the clock seems to elongate the seconds, the minutes, and the room becomes a tableau of held breaths and expectant faces. The excitement is so thick in the air, it's palpable, a living thing that thrums in time with the heartbeat of every individual present.

Sirius, his hand now clasping Vega's again, gives a reassuring squeeze. His eyes, sparkling with anticipation, meet hers and a silent understanding passes between them. This is it. This is the moment they've all been waiting for, the culmination of months of hope and joy, mixed with a dash of fear and uncertainty. The nurses move around the room with practiced efficiency, their movements a soothing background rhythm in the symphony of life that is about to play out. 

Then, finally, the moment arrives. The air in the room shifts, charged with an irrevocable change. It's as if the world outside ceases to exist, and all that matters is the miracle unfolding in this room. A tiny, fragile life making its entrance, forever altering the lives of all those present. And as they all wait with bated breath, they know that this is a moment, a memory, that will be cherished for a lifetime. 

A little girl is born. Her tiny yet powerful cry pierces the air, marking the beginning of her journey. The room erupts into cheers, with joy and relief resonating through the walls. As the world welcomes its newest member, the nurses take her for cleaning while Sirius and Vega embrace each other. James and Remus celebrate, rejoicing in the fact that their brother is now a father. James turns to Lily and shares a kiss of happiness. As the celebration continues, the room thrums with a raw, pure joy that is almost tangible. The little girl, swaddled in soft blankets, is returned to her parents, her tiny face peeking out. Sirius and Vega, entranced, gaze at their little miracle, their hearts filled with a love so profound, it is overwhelming.

Meanwhile, James and Lily, hand in hand, watch the scene unfold. The sight of their friends cradling their newborn daughter sparks a yearning, a desire to create a family of their own. "I want one," she whispers. "Yeah?" James asks. Lily responds with a nod and the biggest smile. As James looks into Lily's sparkling eyes, he sees a reflection of his own hopes mirrored back at him. "Then we shall have one," he promises, his voice soft yet firm. "You will be the best mother to our little boy."

As the night unfolds, filled with laughter, tears, and the promise of a new beginning, they all know that this moment, this memory, will be seared into their hearts forever. The journey of parenthood, filled with its trials and tribulations, joy and love, has begun. A new chapter in their lives has been written, one that promises to be an adventure like no other. "Do we have a name for our newest marauder" Remus asks the loving couple. Both Sirius and Vega look at their baby girl and smile then look at their friends.

"Her name is Elladora Black"

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