Chapter 8 - Last Two

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"Now that that's all done, let's get back to animating, shall we?" Says a happy TAB. "Ugh... Fine, I guess... I mean, who needs sleep anyways? I have Monster I can drink." Joseph grabs a can from the fridge, heads back upstairs and sits down at his desk. He starts to animate the final scenes on the episode he's been working on. An hour goes by and it is almost 11:00. Joseph finishes the last scene and turns off his computer. "There... Now all that's left is the editing and sound mixing junk! But that can wait until later!" Joseph-kun yawns. Joseph gets up and heads to bed.

The next morning, he wakes up and immediately goes to TAB. "Alright TAB let's go take down the next animator!" Says Joseph-kun. "But, the only two left are Crosh Vee and Edd Gould, and you wanted to save Sammysworld for last, so you would have to take down Edd!" Says TAB. "I was trying not to think about that, but thanks TAB." Replies Joseph. "Oh... Sorry." TAB says. "Let's just get this over with so that I can later convince myself that I DIDN'T kill Edd and that he was ALREADY dead from all those years ago." Says Joseph-kun. Joseph grabs TAB and they go off to Edd. They end up in a bedroom to a sleeping Edd. "wait wait, I just have to!" Whispers FlowJoe. "Edward! Eeeddwaaarrdd!" Says Joseph in a ghosty tone of voice. Edd wakes up in shock and looks at FlowJoe. He then sees the tablet, and immediately knows what's going on.

"Oh... Oh no! I should of seen this coming! I regret killing all those animators now, because I'm in their shoes now!" Says a scared Edd. "Look man! I quite like you, and I'm an Eddsworld enjoyer, but it's got to be done! Sorry! Let's just get this over with before I just can't!" Says FlowJoe. "N-no! You can't! I was supposed to hang out with Tom today! He'd be so heartbroken!" Says Edd. "Ooo... About that..." Says FlowJoe. "He's already dead, isn't he?" Asked a not amused Edd. "Well..." Begins FlowJoe. "You technically still COULD hang out with him today... In heaven?" Edd grabs his blanket and tosses it over FlowJoe. FlowJoe takes off the blanket to see Edd rush out his room. FlowJoe follows.

Edd runs downstairs and outside, FlowJoe following close behind. "Dude, come on! I'm sorry! But, this is what has to happen!" Says FlowJoe, who is now a few feet behind Edd. "Look man! I've been dead for YEARS! I don't know what you want from me!" Edd screams. "I just want your powers and for you to stop making this so hard on me!" Says FlowJoe as he holds back a tear. FlowJoe stops to breath and notices a near by shard of rusted metal. "Aha!" Says FlowJoe, picking up the metal. Edd hops a fence and FlowJoe follows. FlowJoe leaps forwards and lands on Edd, causing him to fall to the ground. "I-I'm so sorry!" Says FlowJoe as he lunges the rusted metal into Edds heart. Edd lets out a loud scream and blood sprays from his mouth and the wound. Edd's body starts to fade away, and his powers flow into FlowJoe. He hears a door open and turns around. "Oh, right... I forgot we hopped the fence to some random ass house... TAB, get me out of here!" Says FlowJoe. They teleport back, and Joseph is in his normal clothes again, the blood all gone. "God! I HATED that!" Says Joseph-kun. He takes a deep breath and exhales.

"Okay, well what if you worked on Roommates to take your mind off of things?" Askes TAB. "Hmm, no... I think I'll just pass the editing for this episode off to someone else this time. So I don't really have to do anything else, apart from maybe working on Cyrus High or something." Says Joseph. "But what if we work on a script for Roommates and stuff?" Askes TAB. "Well... There isn't really any work that needs to be done script wise... All of them have already been done, and all that's left are the final episodes of the series finale." Replies Joseph-kun. "Hmm... What about drawing stuff?" Askes TAB. "TAB, how dare you. I am an animator, not an artist." Says Joseph. "But... You DO draw stuff as well as animate, yes?" Askes TAB. "Yes, but that still doesn't make me anymore of an artist! I don't do art because I want to, I do animation! Also not because I want to... No one WANTS to animate. BUT Y'know!" Says Joseph-kun.

"Well then what if we-" Starts TAB. "If you are gonna say 'what if we animate then in that case', then no. Because I don't feel like animating right now, and I'd rather just chill back." Says Joseph-kun. "I was going to say, what if we tackled the last animator to get it over with before it get's too late so that way tomorrow you have all the time to have fun with your new found powers..." Says TAB. "Oh..." Replies Joseph. "I don't really want to do it now though, and also, how am I even supposed to get Crosh Vee? He's like... Sammysworld guy! Sure, he was a little too high up his own ass, but that's besides the point! He was the BEST back then! How do I take down THAT?" Askes Joseph. "Well... What if before hand, you use the pen to create a few helpful items to aide you in the take down?" Askes TAB.

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