Chapter 83

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You knew the second part of the exam was harder than the first so you had to focus. It was hard since you could feel the glare Bakugou was giving you but you tried your best not to look.

This part of the exam was the rescue part, there would be people acting out disasters like building fires and earthquakes. Your job was to get the people to safety, which seemed simple enough.

After they were done announcing the rules, you were all let into the arena and the exam started.

You and Shoto ran over to the buildings on fire, he ran inside and covered the building in ice. You began looking for anyone trapped inside.

"Hello? Is there anyone here?" You said loudly.

"Help! I'm stuck!" You heard a voice coming from under some charred rubble that your brother covered in ice.

You run the person and melt the ice that engulfed them and read the card they had around their neck informing you of their injuries.

"You need to learn to control your ice young man, ten point deduction for you." The man scolded your brother. You had no idea they would be the ones grading you. Oh god.

"Go look for others that might need help." You told your brother, not wanting him to get in more trouble.

The card said the man was elderly and had severe burns on his legs. You looked up at the man after you finished reading and knew that you had to be careful with everything you said.

"I'm going to get you out of here safely sir." You said with a smile. He didn't say anything so you didn't know if that was right or not. "Here, get on my back." You instructed him as you kneeled in front of him.

"Are you sure young lady? I'm a pretty big man." He said, you tried not to roll your eyes and helped him onto your back.

You quickly moved through the rest of the building since your brother put out the fire just making sure that there were no others in danger.

Once you were outside the building you noticed where Midoriya and the others were putting all the other rescued people and you dropped the man off there.

You went back to where the burning buildings were and noticed your brother was already putting one out and evacuating everyone so you thought to head to the next one, so you don't take any attention from him.

This next building was a school. The first thing you did once you entered was put out all the fire, which was really simple with your quirk. Then you went around to all the classes and looked for people.

"Help! Help!" You heard a woman yell. You ran towards her and found her on the floor. You quickly read her tag, she was a middle aged woman with her arm broken and slightly burned. You helped her to her feet.

"Can you walk?" She nodded. You wrapped her "broken" arm in bandages you had on you before speaking again. "I put out the fire through the rest of the building, just outside are other heroes that will treat you. You're going to be just fine." You ended with a smile and gave her a pat on the back.

You heard multiple screams the further you got into the building. In the first class you entered there was an unconscious person that was supposed to be a student, you maneuvered her over your right shoulder. You ran to the next classroom and found another "teacher" that had a broken foot. You got her up and told her to put an arm around your shoulder so you were supporting her bad foot as you walked.

Just as you were about to leave you heard another scream.

"Go, I can wait here." The woman said as sat down.

"I'll be right back." You said as you laid down the person that was on your shoulder as well and ran to the scream you heard.

There was another "teacher" barrier under some desks and chairs.

"Hey, I'm here. Everything's going to be alright." You shouted as you quickly moved all the chairs and desks.

"I-I can't move much." She said once you finally got to her. These people are very good actors. You managed to get her up on your back.

"Hold on the best you can, ok? You're going to be just fine." You said before you ran to where you left the other two people.

You carried the unconscious "student" in your arms, bridal style, while the "teacher" grabbed your shoulder for support. You were just about to exit the building when the "teacher" with a broken leg fell to the floor and said she couldn't walk anymore.

She can not be serious right now. She didn't have to be doing all this.

You ended up having to put the other two people down to figure out how you can carry all three of them. You could admit that you were strong but not that strong.

You ended up putting the unconscious person on your back while you carried one "teacher" in one arm and the other "teacher" in the other.

You ran out of the building and dropped them off to where the other students were treating the survivors. You barely made it in time, your arms were about to give up on you.

You noticed that your brother and yourself cleared the burning buildings so you made your way to help other students pull people out of the rubble.

As you helped other students from different schools pull people out of the destroyed buildings, you heard a loud scream.

"AHHH! It's a villain!" They said pointing to the wall of one of the arenas that opened to reveal the pro hero gang orca. What is he doing here?

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