i love you katie

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Katie McGrath had been best friends with Lilith for as long as she could remember. They did everything together, from weekend shopping trips to late-night gossip sessions. But as they grew older, Katie began to realize that her feelings for lilith went beyond mere friendship.At the same time, Katie found herself in a relationship with a man named Chad. Chad was charming and handsome, but he could also be selfish and dismissive. He often treated Katie as an afterthought, taking her for granted and making her feel like she wasn't good enough.Despite Chad's flaws, Katie stayed with him, convincing herself that she was happy. But as her feelings for Lilith grew stronger, Katie began to question everything she thought she knew about love and relationships.One evening, as Katie and Lilith sat on Lilith's bed, watching a movie and sharing a bowl of popcorn, Katie felt an overwhelming surge of emotion. She couldn't hold it in any longer."lily, I have to tell you something," Katie said, her heart racing in her chest. "I think I'm in love with you."Lilith's eyes widened in shock, but then a smile crept onto her face. "Katie, I've been in love with you for years," she admitted. The two friends embraced, their hearts finally out in the open.Katie knew she had a choice to make. She could continue to stay in a relationship with Chad, miserable and unfulfilled, or she could take a chance on the love she had always wanted with Lilith.In the end, Katie chose herself. She ended things with Chad, knowing that she deserved so much more than he could ever give her. And as she and Lily started their journey into a romantic relationship, Katie felt happier and more content than she ever thought possible.It wasn't easy, navigating the complexities of coming out and starting a new relationship with her best friend. But Katie knew that as long as she had Lilith by her side, she could handle anything life threw her way.And as for Chad? Well, he was just a blip on the radar of Katie's love story. She had found her happily ever after with Lily, and that was all that mattered.

A/N hey lovelys, i know ive been away for a while and im sorry. my mental health was hurting me. i am better now, i think. i hope ill be writing more soon for you guys to enjoy.   Also its my birthday today!!!!   


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