The Meet

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Dr.Lisa Manoban smoothed her hands down the crisp white coat as she strode through the gleaming lobby of Park Metropolitan Hospital.Her chestnut brown hair was pulled back in a sleek ponytail,accentuating her heart-shaped face and warm hazel eyes.At 5'6",she had a slim,toned figure that gave her the appearance of being taller than her modest height.Lisa's patent leather heels clicked across the polished marble floors in a staccato rhythm as she made her way toward the staff elevators,desperately trying not to look as nervous as she felt on her first day at the prestigious medical facility.As she waited for the elevator to arrive,Lisa went over the details about her new role that she had practically memorized from the hefty orientation packet.She was being brought on as part of the hospital's elite rapid response team that handled the most critical and time-sensitive cases requiring immediate intervention.It was an immense responsibility for someone just a few years out of medical school,but her stellar grades and exemplary performance during her residency rotations had accelerated her upward trajectory faster than most.

The elevator dinged open and Lisa stepped inside,reaching to press the button for the surgical wing.But before her finger could make contact with the panel,a stern voice rang out from behind her."I'll get that."Lisa instinctively pulled her hand back and moved aside as a statuesque woman brushed past her into the car,not even sparing Lisa a glance.She was easily 6 feet tall,her muscular yet lithe frame emanating an undeniable aura of power and confidence that automatically commanded attention and respect.Her toned arms and broad shoulders strained against the crisp white button-down shirt that sculpted to her athletic upper body - this was clearly a woman who spent a considerable amount of time strength training and developing her physical prowess.Black dress slacks clung to her muscular thighs and shapely calves,the masculine tailored cut doing little to hide the impressive muscularity she had cultivated.

An icy blonde with mid back length hair framed high,razor-sharp cheekbones and a strong,square jawline that seemed digitally sculpted.When the woman finally looked up from jabbing the button for the surgical floor with her middle finger, Lisa was struck by the sheer intensity of her eyes.They were a piercing,pale blue that seemed to bore straight through to Lisa's core,giving her the unsettling sense that every thought and vulnerability was being dissected and laid bare.Those intimidating eyes gave Lisa a slow once-over,shamelessly drinking in every detail of her slender form from head to toe.The brazenly appraising look made Lisa feel naked and exposed despite the modest pencil skirt and blazer of her professional attire.She could feel the heat of a flush creeping up her cheeks as those pale blue eyes finally met her gaze again."First day?" the woman asked in a tone that sounded more like a statement than a question.

Lisa swallowed hard,feeling her stomach clench warmer under the weight of that penetrating stare.She silently cursed herself for the tremor in her voice as she managed to stammer out a response."Y-Yes,it's my first day actually."The woman made a small sound of acknowledgment in the back of her throat but didn't reply further.An awkward silence descended over the elevator car,the only sound the faint hum of the lift and the harsh clicking of the woman's highly-polished dress shoes against the floor.Lisa could feel those pale eyes boring into the side of her head,studying her,cataloging her every minute shift and reaction.When the elevator finally opened at their destination,the towering blonde swept out ahead of Lisa in a confident flurry,the stark white shirt pulling taut across her muscular back as she moved.A cloud of musky,masculine cologne wafted in her wake,completely disregarding Lisa's presence.

Flushed and still slightly flustered,Lisa trailed several paces behind the woman,clutching the strap of her shoulder bag like a safety tether.Her gaze immediately landed on the huge letters mounted prominently on the wall directly ahead:DR.ROSEANNE PARK,M.D.Chief of Surgical ServicesParks Metropolitan HospitalLisa's steps faltered to a stop,the smooth soles of her heels skidding slightly against the tile as she came up short.She felt her heart plummet down into the pit of her stomach,the lingering nervousness over this new job suddenly morphing into full-blown dread.This overwhelmingly formidable,intensely domineering woman with the bodyof a fitness model...was DOCTOR Roseanne Park?As in THE Dr.Roseanne Park,the head of this entire surgical department at one of the most elite hospitals in the country?Lisa's new supervisor who would be overseeing all of her cases and procedures,scrutinizing her every move and decision?

Lisa swallowed hard,feeling an icy chill prickle down her spine as Roseanne turned to face her,having noticed Lisa freezing up.One towering,muscular arm crossed over her abdomen as she pinned Lisa with those pale,penetrating eyes."We have a problem,Dr...?"she prompted,her tone rich with amusement and haughty expectation."M-Manoban,"Lisa stammered out,her tongue feeling thick and clumsy in her mouth."Lisa Manoban."Those piercing blue eyes slowly raked over Lisa yet again,studying every reaction and committing her to memory like a volume to be analyzed and dissected.Roseanne's full lips curved into a smile that didn't reach her frigid eyes."Well then,Dr.Manoban,"she practically purred,the silken tone somehow even more disarming than any hint of sternness or displeasure could be."Allow me to officially welcome you to my surgical department here at Park Metropolitan."

Roseanne took a deliberate step closer,her shoes clicking toward Lisa with the same predatory strides of a panther closing in on its prey.Soon they were standing mere inches apart,close enough for Lisa to see the faint dusting of pale freckles across Roseanne's cheekbones and catch a stronger whiff of her intoxicating,musky fragrance.Those glacial blue eyes pinned her in place as if Lisa were transfixed in a hypnotic trance."I expect you to follow my lead precisely and without question,"Roseanne stated in a tone that brokered no argument."This is one of the most elite surgical units in the world.I don't tolerate any disobedience or undermining of my authority.Do I make myself unmistakably clear?"

Lisa could only nod,her mouth as dry as cotton.Roseanne held her unblinking stare for several heated moments,seeming to drink in and savor Lisa's trepidation and silent acceptance of her absolute dominion like a predator relishing the submission of its prey.Then,with a small huff of air through her nostrils that may have been the barest whisper of a chuckle,Roseanne turned on her heel and headed down the corridor,the lean lines of her powerful physique mesmerizing with every strideShe took.The masculine tailoring of her black slacks hid any hint of feminine curves as she moved,her body all sinewy muscle and imposing austerity.

As the sharp cadence of Roseanne's footfalls faded away,Lisa finally exhaled the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding.Her hands were actually trembling,though from nerves,intimidation,or some confusing flutter of another emotion she couldn't say for certain.This magnetic,imposing woman who radiated raw power and dominance from every pore like her own sort of narcotic aphrodesiac...was going to be Lisa's responsibility around the clock in this high-stakes environment.An indescribable weight seemed to be pressing down on her chest,making each inhale and exhale feel labored.Why did she feel like she had just walked headlong into a lion's den populated by a single,supernaturally intimidating apex predator?

As Lisa watched Roseanne disappearing around a corner,she had a sinking feeling deep in the pit of her stomach:This formidable,intensely domineering surgeon with the powerful,imposing body of an Amazonian warrior...had laser-focused her sights directly on the new young doctor for reasons that seemed to extend far beyond mere professional oversight and tutelage.Lisa wasn't at all confident she possessed the fortitude and strength of spirit and character to extricate herself from the gravitational pull of Roseanne Park's penetrating gaze and clear intentions of subduing her.

Sucking in a fortifying breath,Lisa willed her legs to propel her forward in the direction Roseanne had gone.Shoulders squarely straightened,chin raised defiantly despite the pounding of her heart,she was determined not to let her new supervisor's overwhelming presence and aggressively distracting physicality shake her carefully cultivated confidence and composure on the first day of such a coveted position at this elite institution.At least,that's what she told herself as she set off to locate the doctor's lounge and change into proper surgical garb,willing her trembling fingers to stop fisting the strap of her bag so tightly her knuckles burned white.But no amount of self-persuasion could dislodge the sinking feeling that from this point on,her entire world was about to be reshaped and dominated by the titanic,irresistible force of Dr.Roseanne Park's daunting aura of power and unwavering will.And on some deeper,inexplicable level...Lisa feared she might already be powerless to stop the gradual submission.

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