Part 1: Introductions and a Sob Story

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Dear Journal,

My name is Allyson, but I go by Aly. I identify as a Therian, and my kin(s) are a lynx and a black cat.

My girlfriend's name is Arianna, but she goes by Red. She is pansexual.

Anyways, we have been together for almost a year now, and I have NO IDEA what to get her for our anniversary...

It's hard, cuz we have been together this long but never kissed. We have held hands, but only once. I want more, but it's hard for me to express my feelings.

I've been through a lot, but for some reason I feel comfortable around Red...just not comfortable enough to express how I feel...

I get...horny around her a lot...but I've never told her.

She's beautiful, good at expressing feelings, talkative, everything I could ever want...and yet, she has seemed...distant lately. Maybe it's my fault, maybe it's not. Maybe I'll never know....but that's not the topic of today's journal entry. The topic is that today I was bullied for wearing my ears and tail to school and nobody stood up for me, (except Red, obviously), I cried in the bathroom during lumch and Red came in....but, what happened next made me cry even harder.

When she came in, she wasn't alone, so I knew to stop crying. The next thing I knew, she was kissing a girl I had never seen her hang out with before. My eyes don't deceive me, so I instead barged out of the bathroom , shoving Red out of the way, the only thing left in her eyes were shock. She might have said something, but I didn't hear her.

Anyways, Imma go cut, so.... Bye!

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