The Goodbye and Good Luck

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Steve's POV

I woke up to the delicious smell of sausages on a skillet.

My God! This woman sure knows how to make a man fall in love with her!

I get up and get dressed quickly folding the pajamas she had lent me and did the bed.

It was the best I have gotten in a very long time. Her whole house makes me feel like I can belong here. She's so inviting and warm. I wonder what a hug from her must feel like. I bet she give great hugs. The kind that make you feel like everything is going to be alright.

Before I open my door I put some of my cologne on and brush my hair back. It's a little longer than usual but not too much. Just an inch or so longer. I can't believe I didn't get a haircut before I got here.

I open the bedroom door slowly and hear soft music playing from somewhere but the delicious smell has me going directly to the kitchen where a heavenly sight greets my eyes. There she is in tight jeans that go up high on her waist and her hair is up in a high ponytail with a black turtle neck sweater. Swaying her wide hips this way and that to the beat of the music and now she bends over opening the oven to pull out fresh biscuits.

I wonder how long she's been awake.

Annabella is unaware of my presence and I lean against the door frame watching her smooth movements. She shmmies a little and I wonder how she would feel doing that to me in that damned bathtub. The music is low but she had no idea I can hear everything. Especially in such a small space.

She dances a couple steps back and bumps into the small kitchen table and her eyes find mine.

"Oh!" She puts a hand on her chest and gasping. "Sorry!" She shakes her head and grabs the phone on the table and turns down the music.

"No!" I smile approaching and setting my bag by the door. "You're a great dancer." I compliment and her cheeks flush a deep red.

"Oh, God!" She turns away shaking her head. "Let's never talk about that again!" She orders and I chuckle.

"I promise!" I say crossing my heart for her to see and she rolls her eyes turning back to something she was whicking on the stove.

"Do you like biscuits and gravy with sage sausage?" She asks and my mouth waters.

"I haven't had that in years!" I say. "It sounds amazing, thank you!"

"Think you can put out ten biscuits?" She asks over her shoulder and I chuckle.

"Easily." I say and she huffs with a grunt of approval.

"Lincoln," She says turning to me with a pot of coffee in hand and I take my seat from last night and she fills my mug up with the black liquid. "He eats so much!" She giggles and it's honestly very adorable. "I always have food prepared for when he comes over."

"That explains all the biscuits!" I smile and take a sip of the hot coffee and sigh out.

"Did you sleep well, Mr.Rogers?" She asks turning back around and grabbing a mug for herself and filling it.

"I don't think I have ever slept so well since I came back up from the ice." I confess and she turns to me with a small half smile as if understanding and sets her mug down before turning back to the stove.

"How many biscuits would you like to start with?" She asks turning over her shoulder to look at me.

"Five?" I raise a brow at her and she nods taking a large plate from the cupboard and places six biscuits and lathers them with the sausage gravy heavily.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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