Chp 2: Fire Fight

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???: Cooper, talk to me!

   I felt my body crack in pain as I tried to move around. The impact from the crash had me dazed and nauseous. I felt like my guts were about to come spewing out of my mouth. Through my sick state I could recognize my friend, Oscar, waving his arm in the air to get my attention. I took a look around and saw the burning dropship on the forest floor just past Oscar and sergeant Babb with the bodies of the pilots next to it.

Oscar: Focus, look at me. How many fingers am I holding up?

   I ignored his hand and simply flipped him off as I smiled through the pain.

Oscar: He's fine.

   He swung his arm around and I caught it as he lifted me to my feet and passed me my rifle. My vision cleared and I was able to focus a little more but the awful feeling to throw up was still present. I was definitely concussed considering the amount of times I've been knocked out.

A/N: RIP Colonial Marines.

Cpt Cole: This is Captain Cole of the Third Militia Grenadiers calling out to any surviving Militia. Please respond.

Sgt Babb OC: This is Sergeant Babb of the Second Militia Fusiliers. I've got two riflemen with me just south of the crash site. We're on foot.

Cpt Cole OC: I read you, sergeant. The bulk of our forces are engaged with IMC near the McAllen. Get your asses to the crash site ASAP.

Sgt Babb OC: Read you loud and clear. 
Sgt Babb: On me. Lets move.

   Sgt Babb motioned us to follow him and he began running up the hill toward the ridgeline. On the other side of the ridge was the deafening sound of gunfire and machine like noises, possibly titans. Additionally, I was now taking in more the beauty of the surrounding forest. Apart from the green vegetation, there were trees with pink leaves. It was similar to the pink trees of my planet, Harmony... Home.

Militia Soldier OC: All callsigns on this net, the LZ is hot! We've got multiple IMC forces coming in from all sides. Any militia forces in the area, requesting immediate assistance!

Sgt Babb: Let's go!

   And so we did. Me, Oscar, and Sgt Babb ran faster through the forest, up the hill toward the gunfire. As we got higher and higher, I could make out a large pillar of smoke floating up in the sky. As we came to the peak of the mountain, we came into view of the crashed James McAllen, burning away and next to it, a massive battlefield occurring between Militia and IMC forces. 

Sgt Babb: Move!

   We charged down the hill and, as soon as we hit the base of the hill, took fire from the IMC. We took cover behind a set of large rocks as shrapnel rained down on us. I clutched my Flatline rifle close and got ready to return fire. Off in the distance, I could see more soldiers and titans fighting it out but it seemed we were on the losing end of the fight, not that we had the upper hand to begin with.

Oscar: Are we even near the landing zone?!

Sgt Babb: We were way off!

Cpt Cole: Sergeant Babb!

   I turned and, to my relief, saw our company commander running to us with a squad of men as they returned fire to the enemy. Captain Cole could be a hard ass sometimes but he was the best thing you could ever see in a fire fight. They took cover behind the rocks with us and breathed a sigh of relief.

Sgt Babb: What's going on?

Cpt Cole: You're looking at the high ground, sergeant. The high range transmitter is still onboard the McAllen! That means we still have a way to contact the fleet IF we can retake it!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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