Chapter 1

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It was a regular Thursday in the Corpse Party School of 2008 and all of the students were in their classrooms learning things as you would do in a school. Tick tick tick as the clock goes to the next number as the time progresses, Naomi stands up and shouts, "I am sooooo bored! Like why are we even here in a ghost school full of bodies, LEARNING! We should be trying to escape!" Seiko stands up by Naomi's side and grabs her tits, "I just wanna drown in your boobs Naomi!" Seiko said heroicly, (The audience claps). Satoshit jumps in the air and punches the sky, not hitting anything, "Agreed!" and then he grabs Naomi's other boob. Ayumi then pushes Naomi over and shouts, "You stupid fucking bitch, we need to escape this school!" Yoshiki's eyes turn into slot machines and his tongue rolls onto the floor. "Yes Ayumi! You are so right, we need to escape this school, also did I forget to say you are hot." Ayumi rolls her eyes and says, "Does ANYONE ELSE want to escape?" Mayu explodes. Morishige then gets a giant rocky solid and then explodes. Blood is everywhere. Yuka gets scared and pisses herself while Satoshit stands there with a neutral expression. Satoshit then yawns and saided "Let's get out of here before more scary stuff happens". Naomi nods and leaves, Seiko folows on all fours, acting like Naomi's kitty cat meow. Everyone else reluctantly follows the Corpse Party Blood Covered Repeated Fear characters. Sachiko follows behind them laughing manically "Nyeheheheheheheheheheheh!" (Imagine Papyrus from Undertale/Deltarune/Undertale Clicker. The gang then find a room called the 'Infirmary' and there are beds inside. Satoshit then says. "Lets sleep, I'm tired." Naomi then shouts "I'll sleep with you I am tired!"

Corpse Party - Bloodied FeelingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon