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"Kuya! How have you been?" Sion said, excitedly moving closer to his brother and hugging him

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"Kuya! How have you been?" Sion said, excitedly moving closer to his brother and hugging him. "I've been good. How come you haven't come to visit me before? Do you not love me anymore?" He said, looking up at Sion.

Sion sighed, patting Sakuya's head, "I've been busy with school, but I'm glad to hear you've been well" he said happy, and Sakuya smiled at him. He then looked over, and finally paid attention to Yushi.

He instantly hid behind Sion, and refused to look at Yushi. "Kuya its okay, he's my friend, he's not dangerous" he said, and the kid nodded, but was still too scared to look at Yushi.

Yushi crouched down to meet with Sakuya's height, and held out his hand. "I'm Yushi, I swear I'm not scary" he said smiling. Sakuya looked at Sion, who nodded at him before looking back at Yushi and taking his hand. Yushi smiled at the action, "See, I'm not gonna eat you" he said.

The statement made Sakuya smile and laugh as he finally let go of Sion's leg. "Kuya, where are mom and dad?" Sion asked, taking back his little brothers leg. The child thought about it for a moment, Yushi could've sworn he saw a lightbulb trying to turn on on top of the kids head.

"Oh they are at the shop" he said happily, and Sion nodded. "They left you here by yourself?" He asked, and Sakuya just nodded.

"I missed you" Sakuya said, once again hugging his brother. Sion hugged him back, thinking about the stuff he had missed. Not only did he miss four years of his younger brother's life, but apparently so had his parents as it seemed like it wasn't the first time they had left him alone.

"Are you hungry?" He asked, Sakuya smiled and nodded.

"Let's go to the shop? Okay, we can buy some food and talk to mom and dad while we're there" Sion said, looking at Yushi. The statement was directed to Sakuya, but he couldn't help but look at Yushi for confirmation that he was okay with meeting Sion's parents.

Yushi nodded, and Sion took his hand as well as his little brothers hand. "Is there anything you want to eat Sakuya?" Yushi asked the child, and he nodded. "I want WanDonalds!" He said excitedly.

Yushi smiled and looked at Sion, "Is there any of those near here? I'll buy the food" he said, and Sion nodded.

"Yeah actually on the way to the shop, we can just stop by there" he said, and Yushi agreed. They made their way to the door again, Yushi and Sakuya exited first, while the alpha just stayed for a few seconds more inside the house.

He didn't want them to see how he was feeling, he felt repulsed, he hated that house. He hated that place, he hated being reminded that this is how he grew up. He hates that his little brother is having to grow up like this. He let out a sigh before exiting the house, and locking the front door. He did not want to end up like his parents, working in a seafood shop.

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