Once upon a Time

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Once upon a time, a king and a queen had a baby. The two have been trying to have another heir to the throne, and now they finally have one. The baby boy, named Ethan, was a happy little child. Him and his parents often went for walks, and played with each other all the time. And eventually Ethan was going to be a big brother. The queen was pregnant again this time with a girl, Nora. She was also very happy as a little kid, everything was perfect for the royal family, they were happy and so was the kingdom they ruled
Their life's were perfect...for that moment. Things can change in an instant, and they did.
  One day, while Ethan was in school, he was in 3rd grade, instead of the king and queen walking through the doors and picking him up, it was one of his maids that would babysit him.
She looked like she had just seen a ghost, and looked scared. She was obviously fighting tears from behind her eyes. She walked through the doors slowly as if she had a ball and chain was on both of her legs. She made her way over to Ethan and asked if she could talk to him but in private. He walked out the class and into the hallway
  "Honey..." She took a long pause and started to tear up a bit
  "What is it," I asked her preparing for the worst, but nothing could have ever prepared him for the news she would bring him.
  "Your..." she stopped in the middle of her tracks to stop her from crying.
  "What is it's," Ethan said, kinda concerned at this point, what did she want to tell him, amd why was it so  important and sad.
  "Your parents...are not here anymore,"
  "What do you mean..."
  She looked at him and managed to crack a smile at him as if to soften the blow.
  " Your... they died, your parents died," she said but this time she was saying it through tears.
  Everything went so quiet Ethan could hear the sound of his own lungs taking in and then releasing all of his oxygen, then repeating. He simply stared at her with a blank face with no expression. His face the went very white
  "What do you mean," he asked "how did they die," Ethan was now on the verge of tears as he was still processing what the maid had just said
  "They got in a crash on the way to get you," she said, still crying her eyes out.
  He then joined her in her crying fit after his brain finally realized that his parents were gone now and weren't coming back.

Years later...

   Once upon some more time...
  Ethan is now 23 and now runs the whole kingdom...by himself. He has no idea what he is doing right now. He had so much to do in so little time. How do you even lead a kingdom anyway. Anyway, he was to find a bride to marry, a good one that could be the next queen. A kind, sweet, caring, proper lady who can take charge. Ethan thinks he hads someone on his mind. Mindie, Mindie was a kind, sweet, honest, caring, intelligent, loving person. She was such a beautiful caring woman, and also the future queen.
  Ethan woke up in his palace that him and his little sister had gotten to inherit after their parents died. It was a really nice place. It was made of a nice purple-ish pink crystal on the outside and on the inside there were crystal tables, chandeliers, and much other stuff (the king and queen really liked crystals). Ethan's room was very messy and everything was everywhere, well what could you expect. The two siblings where adopted by there fathers twin sister, the duchess. She was a wonderful mother figure for Ethan and Nora, she was such a lovely person and loved the kids to death and went over to them almost immediately when she heard the news.
  Anyway, Ethan was planning on proposing to Mindie later that week,

    To be continued, sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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