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We all day down and uncle brought out 3 glasses and went to his drink cupboard. I had a feeling whatever he was going to tell me would be bad but not this bad. I felt my hands start sweating and my body heating up. I can't tell if that's my fire element needing a release of the stress that's going on right now but in this moment in time I don't give a fuck. Uncle took my non sweayt hand in his as he saw my discomfort. I could feel a pair of eyes on us and I saw Kaiden staring directly at where mine and uncle's hands were connected. He looked like he was going to explode. Before I could think of anything to say he growled gave me a glare and stormed off. I looked at uncle in surprise and he seemed just as surprised as me until a light bulb went off apparently.

I cleared my throat to get uncle's attention as I wanted to know why people were after my parents and if they wanted to get me aswell. Uncle seemed to move uncomfortably almost like he's reliving something that's making him seem that way. I cleared my throat and then he started telling me the story of what my parents did who they truly are and what they created. By the end uncle said 

 "I know this is hard for you to take in all at once but your you to need to fight for what is right and along the way you may lose people you love but that's a risk YOU HAVE TO TAKE no matter how much pain or how much pressure you have to deal with".

"Thank you uncle I'm glad you told me the truth and wheres stroppy dog gone?" I asked before I could process what I was asking. As soon as it registered in my head my hand went over my mouth as I always have control of what I say and do and I don't know why I'm thinking about him. My body was hearing up but this time from embarrassment uncle took one look at me and started pissing himself laughing. I'm surprised he literally didn't Piss himself.

 "you know what never mind forget I asked" I rushed out.

 "he's probably in the greenhouse stropping because of you. go get him tiger.or should I say hibrid" uncle finished with a wink.

 "I'm only going to get away from you and your cringyness" I rushed out. Fuck. That was the worst excuse ever. 

I practically ran out to the back garden like my tail was on fire. I saw the treehouse  not too far away. I walked towards it slowly hoping scare Kaiden until I stood on a twig. He immediately turned his head to face me and his face twisted into one of disgust. un-fucking-believable. I hadn't even done anything to disgust him. Before I put to much thought into it I shouted

 "be careful scowling like that. if the wind changes direction it'll stay that way" I finished with a chuckle.

 "fuck off"he responded.

I used my speed when he wasn't looking to get to him him quicker and then jumped to the treehouse.

" boo" I whispered down his ear.

I'm surprised he didn't sense me this time and instead of being scared he shivered and before I could even say "fuck" he gripped my waist and with one powerful pull I was below him and a groan struck out of my mouth.

 "what the fuck was that for?" I heaved.

 " the way you looked at my dad"he responded

 "what the fuck do you mean he's my uncle I love him and care for him and I didn't look at him like anything" I yelled once I got air back into my lungs and wiped my eyes as they were tearing from the impact.

 "and next time you do that shit to me I will fuck you up" I finished off. He chuckled.

I pushed him off me and he more or less flew to the other side.it was Now his turn to be winded as he went flying straight into the wooden wall. I'm surprised it didn't break then and there to be honest. I stuck my middle finger up at him and jumped down forgetting he didn't know about my powers. He was looking down at me jaw dropped and I pretended I didn't care and walked away after I gave him a cheeky smirk. 

Shit.shit.shit.shit. I repeated in my head. how could I have been so careless. I'm lucky it was Kaiden and not somebody else. I was now at uncle's house in my room. yes uncle has a room for me and it is very spacious. Anyways back to the situation at hand. ever since I met Kaiden I have been out of control and not careful or aware of anything except from him. My wolf and leopard seem to be keeping something from me but everyone I ask they say "it's nothing". I know it is something because they both rush it out at the exact same time everything and then block me out. I don't have the energy to take the shield down though so I leave it. when ever they want to tell me they will. I wonder what Kaiden doing. Before I knew it I was outside Kaiden bedroom knocking on his door. I heard a faint "come in".

"hi" i said. this is so awkward. 

"hi is there something you need?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. 

" well can I ask you a question?" I asked

"you just did" he replied with an arrogant smirk.

"I'm going to ask anyway. are you a supernatural?" I asked.

"yes I am. what about you?" he answered and then went straight to the question.

"yes. what are you?" I asked .

"I'm a Dragon what are you?" he questioned. this was fun.

"I love dragons there so cute I don't know how people can be afraid of them." I rambled.

Kaiden looked at me with a raised brow telling me silently to answer his question. God he was so readable.

"I'm a mixture" I replied very minimalisticly.

"of.." he drawn out

" I am an elemental witch with a panther leopard and wolf" I said and immediately looked at the ground with a frown. 

 "anyways I'm off" I rushed out.

Before I could get to the door he rushed to the door making sure I couldn't get to it and said

 "I don't like you". 

" feelings mutual dickhead" I responded immediately "now move". He surprisingly listened and I could feel his eyes watch me go back to my room and before I got there I stook my middle finger up at him whilst opening my door and then stepped into my room out of his vision.dickhead I muttered under my breath knowing that he heard when I heard him let out a light chuckle.

UGH I screamed in my head. I'm surprised I didn't give my equals a headache as well to be honest because that scream was loud even though it was in my head.

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