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The next year on your 9 birthday, you decide to go to Hagrids. You had been visiting him over the years as the Indoraptor. Getting to know him and Dumbledore and McGonagall. You trusted these three a lot that you thought it was time to show them the true you. So you woke up in your cave and stretched your arms, legs and tail before wandering outside. Yet your eyes dragged themselves to Alaena's grave, her body still not buried in the grown. Over the months you did go back, try to find her body. It was no where. Like it had vanished. No skeleton, no flesh, no blood. Nothing. The only thing of her is the memories you guys made over the small amount of time. You went to her grave and carefully picked a rose from the ground and placed it on her grave. Before turning behind you and going into a gallop. Dashing out the woods and to Hagrid's Hut. The small Hut was made rather well, the wood and stone went well together. The pumpkin patch next to it was big as well. Loads of pumpkins stacked there. You gave out a little growl. A signal that you were here. Hagrid looked out the window and stepped out through the front door, walking closer to you by the second. His eyes studied the surrounding area before speaking.

Hagrid: how you doing Y/n?

You made a happy sound that made him happy. You jumped up and down as he threw you a snack. It went straight into your jaws and ate it whole.

Hagrid: good.

He went to turn his back but you transformed into your human form and said to him.

Y/n: I'd like to show you something

He turned around in shock to see you standing there. As a human. He was completely speechless.

Hagrid: Y/n......?

Y/n: its me Hagrid. Thank you for looking after me all these years.

Hagrid: what exactly are you?

Y/n: im just a science experiment but I have named my kind. The Indoraptors. Cool name isn't it?

Hagrid: a great name indeed. But what did you say about a science experiment?

Y/n: right. Now that I've shown you this form. I guess I should tell you my story.

Hagrid nodded. First he guided you inside his hut and showed you to a seat. He got on one infront of you and you told him everything. Your past, creation. About Tyvexus and Trabeus. Even Wu but when talked to him about Alaena. It was hard. It took a while, Hagrid patiently waited until you were ready and calm. In the time you spent with Alaena, she really did mark your heart. Her death leaving an unhealable emotional wound. Hagrid listened to your shaky words. Never interrupting. Once you had finished he got up made you both a drin, handing it to you. You drank it. Both of you sitting in silence.

Hagrid: she really did mean a lot to you but one day you'll get over her. I know it.

Y/n: thank you Hagrid. How do we explain this to the others?

Hagrid: the same way you opened up to me. Your secret is safe with us remember.

You hug Hagrid and cried into his shoulder. The first time in ages you have truly cried. His words meant so much.

Y/n: thank you Hagrid.

Hagrid: your welcome Y/n.

You both got up from your seats and exited the hut. Making your way inside Hogwarts. It was night so the students would be in bed, asleep. You climbed the stone staircase. Everything was so exciting.

Y/n: this is so cool.

Hagrid smiles at your comment. He and you step us the stairs and walk down the corridor to Dumbledore's office. Saying the words that would bring down the staircase. You two moved upwards and then entered his office. Dumbledore was conveniently with McGonagall. The two were talking about Hogwarts affairs. Then they changed there sights to you and Hagrid as you both walked in.

Dumbledore: Hagrid, who is this?

Y/n: its me sir. Thanks for saving me from the poison.

McGonagall: Y/n?

Y/n: thank you to McGonagall. I'd be dead if it wasn't for you three. I trust you now. Completely. I want to tell you my story. What I am. Everything.

McGonagall: please do to tell us.

And so like Hagrid, you told them everything. About Tyvexus and Trabeus and Wu. How they were planning to use you for someone. The fights. Then Alaena. Like before it broke your heart but your manged to overcome it and told them. They looked at you with sorrow.

Dumbledore: I am sorry for your loss.

McGonagall: me to. Your strong boy
Y/n to persevere through all the terrible things you have experienced.

Y/n: thank you, all of you. You guys are the only ones I trust.

Dumbledore: your welcome. Its getting night. You should be heading home and to sleep. Hagrid take him back home please. Goodnight Y/n.

As Hagrid walked you out of Hogwarts and to your home. Dumbledore talked to McGonagall about something very important.

Dumbledore: i sense something dark in that boy. Tell Hagrid to keep an eye on him please.

McGonagall: yes Dumbledore.

Thanks for reading this chapter. I hope you all have a great day. Goodbye.

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