Chapter 2: Ambush

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Dedicated to Duds_003


Great leaders inspire greatness in others.


     As Grand Master Yoda's Consular-class cruiser emerged from hyperspace, Aria dressed in her private quarters and prepared for the mission ahead. Before taking command of the 501st Clone Trooper Battalion, Yoda had insisted on teaching her one last lesson and requested that she join him and three of his own men to the coral moon of Rugosa, a neutral planet in the Toydarian system.

     She clipped the hilt of her lightsaber to her belt before making her way to the bridge, and as the blast doors slid aside, an officer said, "Toydarian Royal Delegation, this is the Republic Envoy. Please respond."

     When they failed to do so, the officer turned to Aria, "General, the Toydarians' beacon is active on the moon, but all our transmissions are being jammed."

     Aria clasped her hands behind her back and started to reply, but before she could, a pair of Munificent-class star frigates emerged from hyperspace and opened fire. Aria steadied herself against the nearest chair as the cruiser shuddered under the heavy blasterfire, and Master Yoda appeared on the bridge a moment later.

     Even as the pilots took evasive action, Yoda scowled, "Too late, it is. Sprung is the trap. Retreat we must. On the moon below, is our mission. There we must go."

     Lights flickered overhead and Aria feared they would be shot down before completing their vital mission, "Master, we need to reach the planet's surface and we're running out of time. I recommend using the escape pods."

     "The escape pods, sir?" the officer replied incredulously, but the master and apprentice were already heading toward the launch bay. "The enemy will fire at anything we launch."

     "Then launch all of them you will, hmm?" the wizened Jedi replied with a small smile, signaling for three clone troopers to join him and his apprentice as they climbed into one of the escape pods.

     Though several plasma bolts narrowly missed their small craft, the battle droids missed every time, and Aria silently thanked the Force for their terrible programming.

     CT-2397, the shock trooper and pilot deemed Rys by his brothers, chuckled, "That was a close one, General, but I think we're out of range."

     Yoda nodded, though his mouth was set in a grim line, "I agree. But entering another trap, we are. A disturbance in the Force, there is."

     As CT-2187, callsign Jek, expressed skepticism at the Jedi's statement, the escape pod bounced across the surface of Rugosa in what could only be described as a controlled crash. When CC-4477 – who served as a lieutenant in the Grand Army of the Republic and was known as Thire – tried once more to hail the moon below, it was King Katuunko who answered.

     After stating that Master Yoda and his apprentice wished to speak with him, Thire handed the holoprojector to Aria, who bowed her head, "It is a pleasure to hear your voice, Your Highness. I am Aria Skywalker, Knight of the Jedi Order. Allow me to introduce you to my mentor, Master Yoda of the Jedi Council."

     "Master Jedi, I thought perhaps Count Dooku had frightened you off," the king replied.

     "Delayed, we have been," Yoda acknowledged. "But not too far away are we now. Unaware I was, Count Dooku was invited to our meeting.

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