Chapter one: Who are you?

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I was a simple girl, living in a crowded town. My life was ordinary, or I thought it was, until I met him. The one who swept me off my feet, but left me in mystery. I remember clearly, we met at a coffee shop on a dark, stormy day. I sipped softly on my warm black coffee while I looked around me, and there he was, all dressed in black, dark brown hair, and hazel brown eyes. Just who are you? I thought to myself. He walked over to my seat and sat down, his hands looked frail and gentle, one hand full of red scars and the other one seemed pale, his skin was as white as a soft blanket of snow.  His leather black jacket stared down at me, and his beautiful brown eyes met mine. "Hey, I noticed you all alone but why?" He spoke gently. I smiled before putting my cup of coffee on the smooth dark table. "Well, I guess today is my day off, but none of my friends have the day off, so I thought I would get a nice coffee, and then, well... I saw you and you caught my attention", I replied in a soft tone. 

"Oh, I did now? How so, was it my eyes?", He replied as he scratched his neck and smiled. A small smile spread across my face as I looked at him. "Maybe, just maybe-" I said as I looked down for a split second. As I looked back up, I frowned as I noticed no one was there... Was I dreaming? Or was this real...  

I thought I had been in a fantasy, but as I came to look around the man I had seen was nowhere to be found, he had vanished almost as if he was never there. Walking up to the counter I approached the lady at the till, "hey, can I pay for this? I think I forgot to", I asked confidently. The woman looked up at me and smiled, "sure, and the total is £5.50, scan here please",  she asked calmly. I scanned my card on the machine and walked away, my mind was stuck in one place, who is that man? No, really. Who is he? What was his name, and who was he... The thoughts span around my head as I walked out of the coffee shop. It was gloomy and raining, and the sky was full of grey clouds. I looked up as the water drizzled onto my face, as if this day could not just get any worse I thought to myself.

The sky was dark, and the bright multi coloured cars drove by as my eyes pondered a few shops with glistening bright signs. A car had been left unlocked, and the bright headlights were flashing, almost blinding my view. The typical day to day routine I was used to, came across a little different this time. I was used to something a bit more quiet, relaxed even, but today was unique. I had never had coffee with a stranger, or to put it one way, an intriguing stranger.

I went about my day as if nothing happened, after walking home I opened the front door with my silver shiny keys and stepped inside, I then slipped on my blue slippers and my silver bathrobe, and turned on the hot water in the shower. The water poured down for a minute, and I slid into the shower leaving my bathrobe and slippers on the floor. One thing did not cross my mind, I had left my front door open and not remembered to close it. The hot steamy shower was just what I needed, the water poured down my skin from my head to my toes. I sighed and laid my head against the wall, the boiling water ran down my neck as a tear ran down my cheek. 

Hot tears ran down my red cheeks softly, as I peered around the shower looking for my strawberry scented shower gel. As I was about to put some on, I heard a loud bang come from my bedroom. I stopped in fear, and put the shower gel on the bathroom side. I hastily ran out of the shower and ran to my bedroom, and there I saw the same man, the one I thought was a figment of my imagination. "Well, I totally did not expect to see you here", he smiled as he bit his lip. I grabbed a towel in a fit of fear, "what the.. knock next time, please!", I yelled at him. He smiled cheekily and looked up at me, "why the worry? I wasn't even looking", he replied calmly as he traced his hand through one of my books, which was on my bed side. "What are you doing here? I thought I would never see you again", I asked in a cold tone. He looked around my room, not taking much interest in what I had just said. 

"Well,? What are you doing here", I asked for the second time. He looked up at me, and then sighed before looking down. "I needed to ask you something, what is your name?", he replied, his voice was calm and soft. "My name is Rose, tell me yours, seeing as you vanished like that I deserve to know", I said quietly, before looking him in the eyes. The air was warm, as the warmth from the shower had flowed into my room, and the gentle breeze of my open window made me feel calm, and at peace. "My name is Antonio, and I followed you home, well, I saw someone following you home, so yeah..." his voice trailed off as we held eye contact for a few seconds. "Well, alright anything else? Do you need somewhere to stay"? I questioned curiously. "Can I? If you really do not mind... I lost my job not long ago, some guy kicked me out for no reason... I got punched round the face", he sighed sadly. We locked eyes again, and I could sense how glum he felt.

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