Learning to Fall

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It's been a few days that you've attended South Park High now. Over these days, you were able to figure out just about who was in your classes, and what to expect for each class period. You at least knew a few people in each class, which made it way easier to feel more relaxed as you weren't just alone. The good news is, that you and all of your friends had shared the same lunch period.

It's your math period, this class you had together with Clyde, Tolkien, Kyle, Bebe, and Stan. The others weren't classmates you had really met yet, aside from a select few who were on the cheer squad that you met yesterday, but didn't really get to know everyone on a more personal level just yet. In this class you were assigned a seat that was beside Kyle, so you two occasionally were able to talk to each other about smaller things.

You were seated in your desk, tapping your eraser of your pencil against your notebook paper as you closely watched your teacher work on a math problem on the dry erase board at the front of the room. The teacher explained how to solve the problem, and which formula would be used in order to find the answer to this specific problem. Jotting down the steps that the teacher had taken on your paper, this just didn't seem to make sense to you.

After finishing the problem on the board, the teacher then wrote down some equations on the board that she asked the class to try out for themselves in their notebooks, and try to find the answers on their own. You had the first problem written down on your notebook, and stared blankly at the numbers on your paper. Carefully, you tried to figure out the problem but the formula that you had attempted to use was causing you to get lost along the way. Frustrated, you erased your work and tried to start over.

Kyle sat beside you, and was working through the math problems that the teacher assigned to you guys, and couldn't help but notice the amount of times that you were erasing over the same spot on your page. He glanced over, not trying to make it obvious that he was looking. Upon looking at your page, he saw that you were still stuck on the first problem. He leaned over his desk, and whispered to you. "Do you need help?"

You turned your attention to him, and frowned as you nodded slowly. Was it that obvious that you were having trouble with the math problems? You watched as Kyle held up his notebook, and began to explain the steps that he took to find the answers to the equation. He even erased his previous work to start new on the first problem, in order to show you from start to finish his method towards finding the answer.

Kyle couldn't help but look at you for a brief moment as he was explaining his work to you. He saw how focused you were as you watched him explain. It made him feel good that you were actually paying attention to him and trying to learn. However, he noticed that your focused face had turned into one of sadness, as you tried to look back at your own paper now, and began to try and work on the second problem with this fresh knowledge.

You slid your pencil across the paper gracefully as you tried to follow the steps that Kyle had instructed you to take, in order to find the answer. He watched ever so intently, as you went back into focus mode. Your beauty was alluring to the boy, the glimmer of the school lights above you just made your skin radiate a healthy glow, teasing him as he knew he couldn't trail his fingers gently over your cheeks. His eyes trailed over to your hair, as your hair looked ever so soft and inviting for his fingers to run through, gently comb through the strands, in such a slow and relaxing manner, knowing that it felt good to have someone else play with your hair gently, softly.

"I'm... so sorry." You inhaled slowly, before resting your cheek against the palm of your hand as you frustratedly looked over at your notebook, which had eraser marks all over it again from messing up. "I tried what you had shown me, but... I think I just need to practice more. I promise I was paying attention." You assured him, hoping he wasn't upset and think that you were just trying to waste his time by not paying attention.

Brewing Romance (Kyle x Reader) South ParkWhere stories live. Discover now