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Next morning

Both were awake before the sunrise (ik even I am shocked to see Rohit awake ) ,but this was because both did not sleep the whole night and were talking and imagining about their future.

Vi- chale Bhai
Ro- ayye ayye captain
Vi-I am not captain for you
Ro-we have to behave ourselves and maintain that decorom vi,otherwise people will think we are mis using the power.
Vi- you are right ro let's go

They both left for the first match which was Punjab vs Delhi.

They had a good warmup session and it was seen gg was black washing others mind against our Rohit and Virat .

Later their coach called all in a hudle and started their prep talk

Now I would like the vice captain to say few words
Ro- i am so privileged to lead this amazing squad and i guarantee to be with you all whenever needed and try my best to win ,i request the captain to say few words.

Vi-guys let's play as a squad and help eachother in best way possible and make sure they know who we are

While the captain was giving speech vice captain had pride and vice versa.

Whereas the team was feeling to have them and decided to ignore that gg talk and give both a chance .

It was toss and Virat lost it and Delhi was bowling

It was a mix  of both up and down but after the second half of the day the team was out at 369.

Rohit and gg opened the partnership,he planned to runout Rohit but lost his own wicket and here came Virat.

Both roko won the match at end of 3rd day

( Guys I am not in the writing part please suggest or you liked the way u explained)

They returned home and both their parents were proud and vf was feeling uneasy and decided to ignore

After 3 days they left for match against banglore and Virat while batting got a news of his father death and he left but next morning joined the camp and scored 90 and after his team won left to team room and he was going to lock himself in a room but Rohit entered and ......

Guys you people are wow thanks for lovely response
One request please comment and vote and i request you to give suggestions or things you want to read as this book belong to you people

Ps love you all
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