Pouring Rain

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As the school day ended for the day, I found myself standing beneath the school building, cursing my forgetfulness as raindrops began to fall. Despite the perfect outfit I had chosen for the day - blue high-waisted shorts paired with a collared white tank top and a light blue striped knitted cardigan - I had neglected to bring along my umbrella. The weather was sunny and had been delightful until now, and now it is just gloomy. Wow, mother nature is bipolar today. 

"Great, how on earth did I forget an umbrella," I muttered to myself, the frustration evident in my tone, even though there was no one around to hear it.

Observing the scene unfolding around me, I noticed people darting through the rain with textbooks precariously balanced over their heads, some couples sharing an umbrella, and others wisely equipped with their own. As for me, I refused to risk ruining my carefully chosen outfit by running through the downpour. To add insult to injury, my best friend had abandoned me to go on a date with her boyfriend, leaving me to suffer alone. Perhaps I should seek refuge in the library until the rain subsided.

Just as I was about to make my way inside, the distinct sound of an umbrella snapping open caught my attention. I turned to see none other than Cameron Everett, the high school golden boy and senior class president. I had always admired him from afar, but we had never spoken. We'd passed each other in the halls a few times, but I never mustered the courage to say hello; after all, he was always surrounded by friends while I faded into the background.

"Want to share an umbrella?" Cameron offered with his trademark killer smile, holding the umbrella aloft as he stood unaffected by the rain. Everyone knew Cameron as the friendliest guy in school. Despite his popularity, he was always approachable, mingling effortlessly with different cliques.

"Come on, Elara, I don't bite," Cameron urged, his smile unwavering even as I hesitated to respond to his offer. How did he know my name? It was as if he could read my thoughts. "We're in all the same classes. You're practically the teacher's pet," he added casually.

Embarrassment flooded over me. It was true; I was known as the teacher's pet because of my diligence in completing homework on time and my habit of staying after school to assist with paperwork. It was my way of escaping the chaos of home life, with my alcoholic father, abandoned by my mother when I was just a baby. I tried to stay away from home as much as possible. In fact, I didn't have any real friends at all. What was the point? People were unreliable, and the constant drama on social media platforms like TikTok only reinforced that belief. Trust was a luxury I couldn't afford, given the way people tended to stab each other in the back.

"Umm... no thanks. I'm actually headed to the library," I lied, feeling a pang of guilt for not accepting his offer. The truth was, I didn't want to be seen with him, especially since there were rumors circulating about him having a girlfriend. Being labeled as the teacher's pet was embarrassing enough; I didn't need any additional attention.

"El, everyone knows you finish your homework during class," Cameron retorted, rolling his eyes in playful exasperation shortening my name as a nickname. Despite my refusal, he stood there with his umbrella, unwavering in his insistence. "Just come walk with me," he insisted, reaching out to gently grasp my wrist and pull me towards him.

Blushing at the unexpected contact, I sighed in defeat. Reluctantly, I began walking alongside him, sheltered beneath his umbrella. As we walked, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the thought of being seen with the popular guy. Fortunately, with everyone else gone for the day, we were spared any prying eyes.

As we walked, the only sounds were the rhythmic tapping of our footsteps and the gentle patter of rain against Cameron's umbrella. The silence between us felt awkward, amplifying the fact that we rarely conversed.

Side by side, we continued on until I suddenly realized that we were heading in the direction of my home. It struck me as odd that Cameron knew where I lived; I had assumed he didn't pay much attention to anyone outside his immediate circle. But perhaps I had misjudged him.

Just as we neared my house, I noticed my dad's car was absent from the driveway, indicating he had likely gone out for another session of day drinking. It was a painful reminder of his neglect, further solidifying my reluctance to return home.

"El, what do girls think is the most romantic thing ever?" Cameron suddenly asked, halting our steps abruptly. I glanced at him, puzzled by the unexpected question. We hardly ever spoke, so it felt random and out of place.

"Umm..." I hesitated, taken aback by the sudden question. To be honest, I had never really pondered romantic gestures, as my focus had always been on avoiding disappointment from guys. Despite secretly admiring Cameron, I never allowed myself to entertain thoughts of being with him; he seemed leagues above me in every aspect. "I don't know... maybe something like being kissed in the rain, like in The Notebook. I love that movie," I admitted, feeling a blush creeping onto my cheeks as Cameron's gaze lingered on me, his eyebrow quirked in curiosity.

The silence that followed my confession was almost unbearable, and I was about to make a hasty retreat into my house when Cameron surprised me yet again by grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards him. Before I could react, his lips met mine in a kiss, and simultaneously, he dropped his umbrella. When he pulled away, a mischievous grin played on his lips, contrasting with my flushed face.

"I bet you have questions," Cameron remarked, noticing both my puzzled expression and my flushed cheeks. "To be honest, I've had a crush on you for a while. I figured this was the perfect opportunity to tell you and have an excuse to talk to you, since you never seemed to notice me," he confessed, causing my eyes to widen in astonishment.

"But, I thought you had a girlfriend," I managed to find my voice, clearing my throat to make sure he heard me.

"Those were just rumors," Cameron corrected me gently. "Anyway, I hope you have a good day today, El. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning for school. I know your dad's situation; my dad sees him at the bar. I've noticed things about you too. You keep to yourself, and when my dad mentioned your dad to me. It pained me to see that sadness in your eyes at school. You don't have much support, do you? Just know you can count on me," Cameron reassured me. "Anyway, El, I've got to go. I'll see you later," he said, picking up his umbrella and planting a kiss on my forehead before walking away.

As Cameron disappeared into the rain, a smile tugged at my lips. Maybe the rain wasn't so bad after all. With newfound warmth in my heart, I headed inside to my house.


A/N: Welp, another one-shot. These are just one-shot collections. Maybe one of them might be a story. Who knows? I have a bit of a writer's block on my other story, so yeah. Hopefully, an idea will struck. Anyway, vote, constructive criticism, and comment. :D

Also, chapter dedicated to anonymous_audrey just because to show her love. Also, she the one that manipulated....I mean convinced me to join. 

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Mar 19 ⏰

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