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Meredith's POV
I walked into our home drenched by the rain but couldn't in any way afford not seeing Sally, my horse. For sure she'd been scared all through the time it rained, she's never been a fan of that weather. "Sally! Oh Sally!" I screamed as I tried to find her in the barn. My eyes kept looking for the glowing brown eyes of a white and golden perfectly sculpted female horse. Admist the silence, almost giving up I heard heavy breaths of a horse right at the end of the barn. I walked there slowly and found her cringed to the corner with fright in her eyes. "Hey baby girl," I gently held her shiny coat as I brushed against it knowing it'd ease her up. Sally came close to me, trusting her instincts that I wouldn't harm her since we've had a strong relationship for 7 years of my life now. Each stroke brought in the fond memories of the one woman fate had stolen from me. Sally gritted her teeth in pleasure, her body trotting closer to me. As she came closer, the gathered clouds rumbled as if to show rhythm to the moment I shared with a pet I was fond of. I cuddled Sally closer and simultaneously, the rain droplets completed the moment as they hit against the wooden barn. The smell of rain diffused into my nose. I went into a trans at that moment, I went back into memory lane. Her coconut smell was still familiar, as she moved closer to where I  was. She held that smell and still had this lavender odour specific to her hair, everything about her from her head to her toes smelt so sweet she'd drive bees out of their colony I swear. I stood there with Sally in this day dream, awaiting the person who seemed to come closer as the smoke faded. Her aura as she took steps closer to where we both were felt so needed and familiar, like an embrace that took your problems away. The smoke faded and gave way  to a perfectly moulded bell. She was short and petite, ginger coloured hair that just effortlessly covered up to her waist. There she stood, as she swerved away the short hair that covered her face, revealing her almond shaped purple eyes that lit up the atmosphere. This woman looked at me, giving out the widest vampire teeth exposing smile. In her eyes I could see myself and all I've grown into. I ran and fell into the embrace of this woman, Ivy, my mother. It felt like I'd been dying to feel this embrace, a feminine touch that could be as gentle as her arms were. It felt like I was lying on cotton, almost falling into a deep sleep. Mom kissed me on the forehead and when she did, I felt the hold she had on me go loose. I tried to tighten my grip but even the weight of her body against me just got lighter. She felt as if she was now really proving to be a dream, not as real as I thought she was. To me it was hard to accept that all along I was caught up bonding with something that just lived in my head all this while. Her smile turned into dust and her beautiful eyes shut and did for good. The tears in my eyes just fell uncontrollably, I couldn't come to acceptance that I had been dreaming. Reality sunk in that the woman I just embraced was indeed a dream from the time I saw her last 7 years ago. The rain awoke an agony I fought so hard to lock away, I was tearing apart all afresh. I shut my eyes to drain the tears away and when they open instead of my mother's arms, there I was having a meltdown in my father's arms. He hushed and calmed me down while all I could do was call her name out of desperation. My father soothed me, cooed me to sleep and I only woke up next morning in my bed. The cycle of trying to cope with the death of my mother 7 years ago was back to zero, now it felt fresh and the wound was cut open again. Life to me stopped the moment I lost Ivy, my mother. Nothing in the world was going to make me believe in that "light at the end of the tunnel rubbish." I stopped worrying about anything on that day, little did I know, that was the beginning of a new story. For this one, I was not ready, but I'd still live through it and embrace it.

What do we call our fan base already😂?  I mean we've been here last time and here we are again, following a new story😂❤️. This is just a prologue, your comments and votes would be appreciated 🥹. Thank you for your support already🥺🥺🥺

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