chapter 1 : Her life

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Its 7 o'clock she got up from her bed turn off the alarm and get in her gallery to see an beautiful sun rise,then took shower make break fast and got ready for university she study or may I say research as she is an microbiology researcher in Australian university.

That's her schedule for Monday to Friday, Saturday and Sunday weekend are holiday and those when she work on her company she is an business women too. Self made person

She started this when she came to Australia at age of 23,now its been 2 years and very successful she made this company very big.earning in millions or billions but..., in way of success she have became cold and heartless, distance from everyone always busy don't even get time to sleep or eat properly.busy

She have beautiful hazel eyes in doe shape,small round nose,nice symmetrical lips,long straight coffee color hair,mole just under her right eye in corner,soft skin,perfect figure not so slim not so fat (weight 49 so use your calculation),Pale skin (not to much),hight 5'4. Her self confidence is on another level

She is not in relationship because she is obsessed with an celebrity called Sam Agreste. Sam Agreste is an obsessed

Her obsession started when she turned 20, his eyes,his looks,his laugh,his smile everything made her so obsessed with him and his hair her soul live in there and his voice always so calming and beautiful and charming,melodious she love everything she cant spend a day without listening to his voice his songs it's so addicting she love that.

She was from low middle class family her family was in India. Yes,she is Indian Real name Ditya Shinghaniya. Only her close friends and family calls her from this name. She worked so hard to give her family everything and spoil them as,they were never had any luxurious.except her Bestfriend no one was on her side when she was struggling to keep up with her studies and business,but she never thought to back off and now she is one of the most successful people in very young age.

She have low sugar  tolerance  which means she cant eat sugar and eventually she don't like sweets and is allergic to cocoa.only her close people know it.she is  very possessive about whats her, she DON'T like to share her favorite things nor favorite people, if you try to touch them you are dead and if you hurt them she will kill you with unbearable torture.

She have a younger brother and a little sister  and she spoil them with everything she could.Getting them whatever they want. She have her childhood bestfriend Bella Shergill. She is with her from when she was 13 , Bella have a boyfriend Mahir Serawat  who lover her and respect her and treat Ditya as a sister.

Currently she is going to take her classes to her university.

(Next chapter will be his life)

20 march 2024.    

Official publishing of book

Can you believe I spend whole day to find name

Published today cause its my specials birthday

Happy birthday my honey

Thank you for making me smile every day (he dont know about this ) so i'll post later now have class  bye....

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