Chapter 7 Your not that bad Blake.

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damn its been like months im sowwyy im just playing. i was re reading this book and i honestly don't like it at all but im still gonna update from demand. im really sorry for leaving you guys on a clif hanger but shes backkkk

  Finn POV: my eyes were wide how did she.. "W-What.." she gave me a sad look and i knew it was over. "you promised me." I tried to play dumb. "what are you talking about." "show me your arms." she walked over to me dropping the razor on my bed. " what no why.' "Finney." i rolled up my sleeves showing my scars that were new and old. Her eyes welled up with tears. "please don't cry Gwenny.." I tried to hug her but she backed away and turned and left the room slamming the door and locking hers.

 'Damnit!' how did she know how the hell did she know. he wouldn't but how else would she know. I immediately went to the house phone. i knew it was late but i didn't care right now. 'ringgggg. ringggg' "hello?" robin spoke "I trusted you.." "Finn? what are you talking about." "you told Gwen." A sigh was heard from the other side of the phone. "i had too.." "no you didn't, don't you know how this effected me?! i trusted you but you broke it." "Finn i just wanted to make sure you would be safe." 'click.' I hung up on him and went to my room. I heard the phone ring again but I knew it would stop soon. Anger was fuming inside of me how could he, how could he do that. I needed  to chill.. I needed something anything. 

Vance POV: I was playing this fucking pinball game again and i can't beat this damn high score. its late but the store is open for twenty four hours but i wouldn't be there for that long. I had a stupid fucking fight with my damn dad. He kicked me out tonight, told me i wouldn't come back tonight pisses me off. I got hit but it was better me than my momma.. 'ringg a ringg' huh? who's here this late at night, I turned my head for just a second it was that Finney Blake kid. he's friends with Robin im not close with him but we've talked. but what's he doing here.

Finn POV: I needed something too chill with and forget all this i walked to the counter. "can you give me (some type of weed I don't know.)" he just nodded not caring how old i was i think he was high himself because he just threw it on the counter and went into the back he didn't even make me pay i took it and walked into the isles grabbing all types of snacks and candy. "Stealing?" i jumped and turned around it was Vance hopper im kinda afraid of him "he left so i guess.." "where's Robin?" his voice was rough and he had a bruise above his eyebrow. "im alone." "smoking, stealing, and alone? wow you've really let yourself go." "thanks." i said sarcastically I wasn't in the mood for this conversation and his words hurt.

 I walked past him and walked outside the store and rolled the weed (blah blah blah i don't smoke) I realized i didn't have a lighter till a flame lit it. it was Vance after he lit it i puffed and immediately felt more relaxed i sighed and sat back. "try not to tell my sister this time.' i said blowing the smoke in the wind. "don't get tough I can beat you to a pulp." ha said stealing it from me and taking a hit. i shrugged I couldn't care less right now. "why are you here so late..?" i said taking another hit. "none of your damn business." "Okay.." "i got in trouble and got kicked out for tonight.. what about you.." he sounded nicer than usual. "My sisters mad at me and im mad at robin so i wanted to chill for a bit." "and your neck?" i had forgotten about that. The hickeys robin left. "and your eyebrow..?" and chuckled a bit "never mind. your not that bad Blake." i laughed as well i was getting high with someone i was afraid of. "your not that scary Vance.." 

Finn POV: we hung out for awhile after that. while we were drunk we went to the park eating the snacks that I stole. "so what happened while you were in that basement." that suprised me by how random that was. "i don't know.. it was traumatizing I guess. i can't eat eggs, i can't sleep well anymore.. A lot has changed and I wish it didn't happen of course." he sat up. "wow i could never." he then started laughing and so did I. He really wasn't that scary. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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