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Once upon a time, in the Scarlet kingdom, there was a Goddess. Not any Goddess, but yes the most powerful to ever exist. She lived in this kingdom alongside other people, the Scarlet Witches and Wizards. They both had scarlet powers, but the Goddess was the strongest of her kind. But not everything there was sunshine and rainbows, because with great power always comes a great responsibility and so her responsibility was to protect the kingdom. 

Throughout the thousands of years she lived she had so many battles and so many deaths. Deep down she knew if there was such a powerful Goddess in this world people would keep to trying hard to defeat her just to have her powers in their hands. Until one day, someone tried to defeat her but he was special because he was strong enough to do it. His name is King of Spades and he also had powers, the death powers.

For over 100 years they fought against each other and for over 100 years thousands of innocent people have died. She couldn't take it anymore, she had to find a way to stop all these deaths and there was only one way: by killing both herself and the king. So in the last battle they had she overwhelmed herself with her powers and all the scarlet powers together made the whole kingdom and everyone who was there- including the King of Spades and his army- to explode.

Everyone indeed died, but not their powers. There are so many myths about that, and I can assure you three of them are the pure truth.

The first one is called Darkhold, in this tale, they say that the powers of every wizard and witch formed a notebook, the Darkhold. This notebook chooses whoever is the one that can have the powers, and until now they selected a ginger girl, Wanda Maximoff.

The other talks about the death powers, they also didn't disappear so some people believe one day someone will get these powers. Did that happen? Maybe yes, but you'll have to read to understand more.

And my favorite folklore, the one I fit in. According to it, one day a girl will be born with the same worthiness and the same golden heart as the Scarlet Goddess. This girl would be the next Scarlet Goddess and would help the world she lived in. Guess who's that girl? Yep, it's me.

Let's have a proper introduction, I'm Chloe Romanoff- yes, as in Natasha Romanoff- and I'm a 20-year-old girl. My life is quite messy, I have lived so much weird stuff and I used to be part of the Avengers. But for you to understand my story, I will have to explain it from the beginning.

April 23rd, 2004, the day I was born. Not even as a baby I had a relaxing life and I honestly think I was an accident. I'm just kidding (no I'm not). 

So my sister is the famous Natasha Romanoff, she got kidnapped when she was 2 and since that time my parents tried to find her. And then I was born, but that didn't stop my mom from finding the truth. So 4 years later, she was so close but it didn't end up well. Result: my parents were killed and I got kidnapped by the Red Room.

Over the 2 years I was there, I got brainwashed multiple times and I was used as a weapon. I was only 4 years old, but my brain was somehow developed so I still remember all the innocent people I had to kill. Luckily my powers resisted and I escaped with 6.

Then on an afternoon in 2012, I found Bruce Banners. It was quite an interesting interaction because he had just felt from the sky minutes before that but he realized who I was and asked me to help him. I said no because I wasn't ready for my fate but I ended up defeating Loki alongside the Avengers.

But my journey wasn't over there because I continued to help them over 4 years. I did so much for them and I joined every battle they had, but I shouldn't. As soon as Natasha found the truth, everything got worse. Not because she didn't accept me, but yes because I started having a family and I started using my powers to protect them. 

Then in 2017, I lost my powers due to the fact I explained and I ran away. I was ashamed, I couldn't do anything because I thought my worth was on the powers I had. It didn't end up well for the Avengers because of the Thanos story that led to so many deaths, like my sister's death. The world became chaos, the Avengers got apart from each other, some died after that and they needed me.

So in 2024, I joined the remaining Avengers and I got back to 2023 where I convinced my past self to snap the gauntlet. I had to be the one to snap, and according to a legend it was meant to happen. I would snap, and as my powers were stronger than the 6 infinity stones they would do whatever my heart would wish. That's why Thanos was defeated and everyone who died because of this stupid chaos formed when I joined the Avengers got back to life.

A lot of families reunited after years and I entered in a comma. The stones were strong enough to do it, but not only did that happen but a myth became true. Turns out the death powers woke up with the snap and someone is the new King of Spades.

All I can say is that this won't be an easy battle, but no one said it's impossible- or at least I think it's not.

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