Lockbreaker (May 6th - May 22nd)

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Sunday, May 8th 2016.

The Day They Question Memory

"So." Ren tilted his head, frowning. "What do we know for sure?"

"Well..." Kotone frowned, hands clasped tight around her mug. This café, Leblanc, it was... surprisingly nice. When Ren had mentioned that he lived in a coffee shop, she'd somehow expected it to be more... what, scruffy? It was just sorta the vibe he gave off. "We know something's off with our memories. Aigis and I can't remember... well, a lot. And now neither can you."

"I believe that is obvious, honey." Aigis shook her head, smiling. "He meant we should begin inquiring into ourselves. The things we are certain of in our pasts."

"Oh." Kotone blinked. "Whoops."

"That's exactly it." Ren nodded. "I'll start with myself-"

"Hold on, real quick." Kotone glanced around. "Where's Morgana? I thought he lost his memories too, right?"

"He refuses to admit just how much, but yes." Ren shrugged. "I didn't ask him to come. I doubt he'd tell us much anyways."

"Indeed." Aigis nodded, tapping her fingers on the table. "He appears much less interested in being honest about these things."

"Harsh, but I don't think you're wrong exactly." Kotone frowned. "Alright then. Sorry, you were saying Ren?"

"Right. My name is Ren Amamiya. I'm 16 years old, born and raised in..." He paused for a moment, thinking. "The countryside. I think."

"You think?" Aigis raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. That part's... foggy." Ren looked troubled, biting the inside of his cheek. "I was sent to Tokyo because I tried stopping a drunk guy from harassing some woman. He got hurt, and I got charged with assault. So, now I'm here. On probation."

"Interesting." Kotone blinked. Whatever the case, Ren was a good guy. She could tell. "When did that happen? The assault, I mean."

"I'm... not sure." He frowned, looking off to the side. "Some time last year? It had to be somewhat recent, I think."

"I see." Aigis rotated her mug, watching the coffee swirl within. "And what of your parents?"

"...I'm also not sure. They haven't contacted me since I came to Tokyo." Ren shrugged. "All I got from my life back home was a box of old clothes and necessities, a bunch of random crap like pens and calculators... and chocolate."

"Chocolate?" Kotone raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. For some reason, I have a bunch of giri-choco. You know, the chocolate girls give to their friends on Valentine's Day." Ren shook his head. "Couldn't tell you why."

"Sounds like you had a lot of friends, I guess?"

"Sure." Ren didn't look up from his drink. It was clear that he didn't like talking about this, though how much of that was just Ren being Ren and how much he genuinely didn't know... that was still up in the air. "That's all I got. Aigis?"

"My name is Aigis Kirijo." Aigis folded her hands in front of her, frowning. "I am 17 years old. Until recently, I lived on Tatsumi Port Island, alongside my girlfriend Kotone Shiomi."

"Wh-" Kotone nearly spat out her coffee. "G-girlfriend? Aigis-"

"It is fine." Aigis glanced at Ren. "He already knows."

"Yeah. Morgana told me." Ren simply nodded. "You two weren't exactly subtle anyways. I think everyone but Ann knows."

"Oh that little..." Kotone groaned, crossing her arms. "...sorry sweetheart. Go ahead."

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