Chapter one.

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Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
the clock blares, Robin groggily sits up in their bed, pushing their hair out of the way. they slam their palm onto the stop button, and roll their body out from under the sheets.
“Robin?” their mother calls, “are you up?”
“Yes, I am.” they groan, pulling their sleeping tunic off. And slipping into their silk green dress.
“I made bacon and eggs. . .and don't forget about your eye patch!” Their mothers warm tone brings a small smile to Robin's face.
“Thanks, I'll be down in a moment.” Robin yawns, their voice going up an octave. “I won't!” Robin groans, covering their left eye.the birthmark that hunted them for years. It's always been there. A large and elaborate butterfly-shaped birthmark that covers the left side of their face. Distorting the rich green color of their eyes to a much more pale gray. And their iris, a pearl white color. The birthmark is a rich, dark brown color that contrasts sharply with their fair skin, Reminding them of their failures. They grab the white eye patch from across their bathroom counter, and fix it so it covers their eye. They grab their hair tie, and snaps it around their wrist, then grabs the white bow that sits at the end of her bedside table.
“Robin!” their mother called again, as Robin walked into the kitchen “you will be late to meet prince Zane!”
“Why are we meeting the rue family again?” Robin utters, snatching a piece of bacon.
“Because you two need to bond. You're going to marry when you come of age, you know.” their mother responds. Setting the freshly made, fluffy, eggs next to the bacon container.  Robin sighed. And grabbed a plate
“You are dressed. Yes?” their mother hums,
“Yes mother,” Robin responds
“Green dress? White ribbons?”
“Yes, mother.”
“Good…your eye cover?”
“Yes. mother.” they sighed, and put a few spoonfuls of eggs on their plate, and three pieces of bacon.
“Good. do not fail me.”
“. . .ok, mother.” they sigh.
“Good Morning, Queen Crystal.” one of the butlers says, as he walks into the room. His gray mustache moving with his upper lip.
“Morning, sir mark.” Robin's mother, Crystal, smiled. she chuckled lightly when the butler,’sir’ Mark, kissed her palm. Sure, to some, it might seem weird, but being in the rose heart kingdom, it was normal for the people. Affection was respect. That could possibly range from words of affection, to spiritual affection.
“Princess Robin?”
“Not today,”
“Oh, prince then?”
“That's fine.”
“So, princen robin.” Sir Mark chuckles, “are you touchy today?”
“Kind of,”
“Hug? hand kisses?...starfish hug?”
“Starfish,” Robin smiles, holding out their hand. They spread their fingers, and interlock their fingers with Sir marks.
“You're very…uhm…”
“divine, today, princen robin.” Sir Mark smiles,

making robin giggle a bit
“Thank you, Sir Mark.” they say, then jump when they hear their father’s voice. Sir Mark also looked over, but having worked for the man for so long, he was used to his huge, gravelly, gruff voice. Almost like a drum, a huge one.
“Sir Mark? Why are you not in my chamber?” he calls. Walking into the kitchen in nothing but a robe. Sir Mark tenses up, and walks over to Robin's father.
“I apologize, King Duke.”
“Hmpf.” Robin's father huffs, being an incredibly touchy person, even to his child. He wraps his arms around Sir Mark’s torso, and nuzzles into him. Sir Mark relaxes, and hugs King Duke back. Then pulls back, and checks the time
“Princen Robin? It is almost time to go.” Sir Mark says, walking over to Robin who was now cleaning the used dishes.
“Ok, will you fetch-”
“Your bag?”
“You know me well, Sir Mark.”
“Mm..” Sir Mark leaves the room. Grabbing robin's bag from their room.

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