The first reveal of the past ❤️

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Payu sprinkles water on Rain

Rain slowly opens his eyes to see Payu in front of him
Soon as he saw him he pushes him so hard

Rain : You bloody demon get out of my sight before I do something

Payu : Baby please calm down...
Please listen to me

Rain gets so mad that he takes a vase next to him and throws it on Payu

It's hits Payu's shoulder

Rain : Get lost from here you fucking devil

Dr Mill : Rain please calm down
It's not the time to shout or fight
Please take it easy

We have called Tamika so until she arrives please wait patiently

Rain : Who is Tamika now...???

Dr Mill : You will get to know everything in some time please calm down and wait

Rain : Please take that demon out of my sight

Dr Mill : Payu... Please for sometime go out until Tamika arrives

Payu doesn't say anything and goes out

After half an hour Tamika comes there
She sees Rain

Tamika : Rain please don't worry and lay down

She puts her hand on Rain's stomach for two minutes

Tamika : It's a miracle...!!!

Dr Mill : What is it...???

Tamika : Call Payu inside

Soon Payu comes inside

Payu : What is it Phi Tamika please tell us

Rain was completely confused seeing all the three

Tamika : Rain is carrying a baby which will be half vampire and half human

Tamika : Rain is carrying a baby which will be half vampire and half human

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Listening to this Rain faints again

Dr Mill : Omg...!!! Make him to drink some water. He will loose all his energy if he keeps on fainting like this

Payu quickly make him to drink some water and again Rain slowly opens his eyes

Rain : Don't touch me you demon
Stay away from me

Payu moves a little away from Rain

Tamika : Listen carefully Rain
The baby in your belly will be half human and half vampire

The baby will have all the powers of a vampire and it can also be as natural as a human
It will have all the human qualities too

It's a miracle you know...!!!

Because this baby will be mixer of both Vampire and a human

Rain : How come you know all these...???
And you all are casually speaking about a vampire so do you all know that Payu is a vampire...???

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