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(I'm adding all my headcanons onto this, so if you don't agree with something, kindly show yourself out :))

Percy Jackson: He's a marine biologist and married to Annabeth. He has a daughter named Zoe and a son named Charlie (After Zoe Nightshade and Charles Beckendorf), and he lives in New Rome with Annabeth (he goes home to Sally, Paul, and Estelle for the holidays, and any excuse he can find)

Annabeth Jackson: Shes an architect for New Rome/Camp half-blood/Olympus and married to Percy. She has a daughter named Zoe and a son named Charlie, and she lives in New Rome with Percy.

Grover Underwood: He is lord of the wild, he doesn't have much time or his friends or family, but he does his best to keep in touch. He and Juniper have a Son named Percy (After Percy Jackson).

Jason Grace (HE'S ALIVE OKAY?): He is a stay at home dad of two and is dating Leo (they decided they didn't want to get married, but they still live together). They have a daughter named Esparonza and another daughter named Rayna (after Leo's mom Esparonza Valdez and Former Praetor Rayna Ramirez-Arellano) and a foster son named Aiden. They live at the waystation with Joe and Emmy.

Leo Valdez: He runs a machine shop, and volunteers at an orphanage in his free time. He's dating to Jason and has two daughters named Esparonza and Rayna, and a foster son named Aiden. They live at the waystation, and he runs it with Lit when Joe and Emmy (sadly, eventually it'll happen,) die.

Piper McLane: She's a seamstress and married to Shel. They don't have any kids, Piper has taken on the roll of "fun aunt" to all her friends kids. She lives in her Grandpas house.

Hazel Lavesqe: She doesn't work, and lives with her fiancé Frank. They have Twin sons, Samuel and Don (Samuel Valdez, and Don the Fawn) they all live in New Rome.

Frank Zhang: He works at a Zoo, and lives with his fiancé Hazel. They have twin sons, Samuel and Don, and they all live in new Rome.

Nico Di Angelo-Solace: He works at camp half-blood, (despite being to old to attend really) and is married to Will. They have a daughter named Bianca, and a Son named Michael (after Bianca Di Angelo and Michael Yew) and live in new Rome.

Will Di Angelo-Solace: he's a doctor at New Rome and is married to Nico. They have a daughter named Bianca, and a Son named Michael, and they all live in new Rome.

Connor Stoll: he's unemployed, and dating Malcolm (son of Athena), Mitchell (son of Aphrodite) they live in new Rome with Travis.

Travis Stoll: he's a cop (his background of thievery just HAPPENED to disappear, no one knows how 🤔) and single, he lives in new Rome with Connor and his boyfriends.

Calypso: her and Leo ended things on good terms and now she lives on her own in the woods near camp half-blood. (New campers have stared a rumor that she's a criptid that knows everything about the gods time, and she plays into it because why not,)

Thalia Grace: she's a hunter and lieutenant of Artemis, and is best friends with Rayna. They found a litte boy in the woods one day and adopted him and named him Luke (all the good guys names were taken okay 😭) he lives at the waystation (because no boys in the hunt, even adorable babies!) and his moms visit every chance they get.

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