MOREEEE (Mostly minor characters)

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Lavinia Asimov: she's still dating Poison oak (they found some magical way to touch each other without Lavinia breaking out in a rash :D) and she became preator when Hazel and Frank retired (along with an un named Mercury kid).

Rachel E. Dare: She's still the oracle for camp, and she stays there year round when she's old enough to move out, so we don't have a repeat of the Nico situation (if you haven't read the sun and the star, she basically had to run/drive/blah blah blah all the way back to camp bc she kept getting a recurring prophecy.) she has a bigger cave now (which may or may not be some Hermes kids fault. Seriously, who gave them explosives!?) It's now about the size of a regular cabin, if you squished it into a box. She volunteered the extra space for campers without cabins/with unfinished cabins/unclaimed kids, she acts like there mom.

Malcolm Pace: he's a librarian of new Rome, he lives with his boyfriends Connor And Mitchell, and Connors brother Travis. He also has a big garden (orchard...? Idk what it's called.) of olive trees.

Mitchell (no last name, Aphrodite kid.): he works at the new Rome cafe, helping out behind the counter. (No matter how many arms you have, it's still a lot of work :( ) and he lives with Connor, Malcolm, and Travis. And he models for Piper sometimes.

Meg McAfree: she still lives with the nymphs in her (literal) tree house, but visits the waystation a lot. She's single (Aroace) and her unicorn romes the area, stabbing bad people. (Obviously she armed it with a fork, duh.) most of her adoptive siblings still live with her, but some moved away. They all keep in touch though.

Gleeson/Mellie Hedge: they live at new Rome, and Clarisse babysits Chuck whenever They ask. (She loves her godsonnnnn)

Clarisse La Rue: She and Chris broke up eventually once they both realized... yep, there gay. (Similar to Piper/Jason lol) they live together as roommates in new Rome. Her and Percy patched things up (they were petty little kids, give them a break.) and now she babysits Percabeths kids as well as Chuck.

Lityrses: he still lives at the waystation, and eventually takes it over with Leo when Jo and Emmy... anyway, he spends a lot of time with Georgina, teaching her some cool fighting techniques (SAFELY)

Tyson: (idk how long it takes for Cyclopes to be adults, but let's say he's an adult now-) he still runs the cyclops army, and (sadly) he's to big to fit into the Jackson's apartment, so whenever a birthday/holiday of some kind rolls around, they have it outside (probably at the beach) so Tyson can join. He lives in Poseidon's palace.

Estelle Blofis: she's kept away from Percy's life as much as possible, but it's her big brother, so of course she knows a little. Percy and Annabeth taught her how to fight (Just in case!) and when she goes to highschool, everyone asks if her brother is actually THE Percy Jackson!? (The guy who blew up science class when my brother was in school!? The guy who stayed underwater so long that my sister had ro drag him out!? ISN'T HE WANTED BY THE POLICE!?) and she does her best to avoid the accusations. She doesn't like always being in Percy's shadow, but she doesn't blame Percy for any of it and they still have a good relationship.

Btw, this is anywhere from ten to thirty years in the future. Any other characters I should do? Also, ignore spelling errors (or point them out!) I have no idea how to spell half the names here.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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