Machine X Human

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-she may have some problems retrivig the memories, so for the first week we have to let her stay here, she later would need a quite place to restore the principal living functions, while the human part will overcome the robotic prosthetics.- said Ms.Rehash, as she examined the body of the real [Name], just taken out from her tube.
-how much before getting at 100%?- asked Lalah to the doctor, as the woman nodded, telling her a time between a month and two weeks, depending on the surroundings.
-I'll take her after the Arena, the same wordl as #377, you said that at first she wouldn't remember well? Good, then Killua will remind her who she is and what she made him do.- she smirked deviously. Today begins the true plan they waited eight years to put into action, soon the girl's mother would have came back to life!


I opened my eyes slowly, as a bright light pierced my eyes, I was sitted near a lake, bare feet in the water while my back was on a tree, nothing but leaves and waves seemed to move, not a single animal, not a single human. I looked around without a clue on where I could have been, only to be greeted bu a black spiky haried boy who yelled my name running towards me.
-[Name]!!!! YOU ARE ALIVEEEE!!!- He had tears in his golden eyes, but still he was smiling brightly:-Wait until Killua sees you, he will be so happy to see you here!!-

He kept holding me tightly, as he feared I would disappear soon, then he smiled again locking gaze with me:-I'm glad tou are back!- then he closed the hug again.

Seems that I was gone for long, or maybe I was just really close ti this boy...
I tried remembering who he was, but my mind refused to comply.
-Gon!! Mito-san called you endless times, where are.... [NAME]?????- The newcomer had silver messy hair and sparkling royal blue eyes, but as soon he saw me his eyes clouded on a dark shade, and he seemed to change attitude.
-she is back!! Aren't you happy Killua??- The boy named Gon replied to the lost gaze of the friend, but Killua didn't even flinch.
-She is not [Name]...- he said coldly, before gettig back to where I came from, leaving me and Gon alone.
-Killua?... don't worry [Name]!! He is just being tsundere!! He'll soon get back to usual!!- tried to cheer up Gon, but he was wrong. Very, very wrong.


I soon found that we were on Whale Island, and we were at Gon house, his aunt, Mito-san, was a very nice woman and she seemed to like me, even if Killua still looked at me in a threatening manner, and I kept asking myself what exactly happend between us to make him feel that angry.

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