The beginning

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Life is often cruel to those with the kindest hearts, especially when they haven't even had the chance to do any wrong.

The air was cold and harsh against the green haired women's lungs, as she ran through the city with her new baby boy in her arms. She ran desperately trying to evade her pursuers, when she was safe she sat her child down on a door step and violently knocked before leaving. When she left she made sure to make some noise and grab something that made it appear she was still carrying her child so she would be followed. Baby izuku had begun to cry when a tall man opened his door and scooped the child up wondering where his mother was. "Have no fear anymore, little one. For I will take care of you!" The hulking man said as he closed his door and opened the note, that was left in his blanket. "To whoever reads this please take care of my child, I am unable to care for him as my life is in danger. Please take good care of my little izuku." The tall blond man read the letter and slowly looked at his door pondering if he should go out and find this woman to help her, or to stay here and guard the child. After what felt like hours he decided to grab the now named izuku, and head to bed as it was late. "Here we go, let's get you all nice and warm" the man said as he laid izuku on the bed and tucked him in with a light blanket, thankfully he had multiple bedrooms in his big house.

Time went by and the baby boy, grew up and the tall hulking man taught him many things. He decided it best to tell the boy he was a pro hero, as to not worry him when he did not come home for long periods. "Woah! So my dad is All Might! The number 1 hero! This is so cool!" The four year old izuku said punching the air at how amazing this news was, honestly toshinori was surprised how izuku didn't find out sooner. As the tall man was about to speak izuku suddenly grabbed his head as he had a very bad headache, "izuku, what's wrong are you ok!?" All might knelt down and asked with worry in his voice as he had a hand on his son's back. Izuku tried to speak but before he could two tiny wolf like ears began to take shape and form on his head as his teeth also became slightly more canine-like in shape. "My head feels funny, and my teeth feel weird.. " the little izuku said as his headache started to fade, he rubbed his head and felt the little ears and pulled away as they felt sensitive and ticklish. "It looks like you have got your quirk my boy! We'll go and get it checked later but first let's get some food in that belly of yours!" Toshinori stated as he adorned his large and proud smile. After helping izuku stand toshinori took him to his kitchen and started cooking breakfast, he was happy he woke izuku up early this morning as he wouldn't have wanted this to happen in the boy's sleep.

After they ate izuku was taken to see an old friend of Toshinori's, when they arrived izuku was introduced to an old woman who used a large syringe as a walking stick. "Hello toshinori, and I'm assuming this is little izuku who I've heard so much about?" Recovery girl gave a warm smile as she handed izuku a piece of candy that he took with a smile and a thank you. "Yes this is izuku, as you can kinda see he has these little ears on his head. I wanted to see if you'd check his quirk for me Chiyo" Toshinori asked with a smile as he ruffled izuku's hair. "I can I'll just need a blood sample, he isn't scared of needles is he?" She asked as he pulled out the smallest one she had so it wouldn't hurt, izuku who over heard them rolled up his sleeve with confidence and held out his arm. "Heroes aren't afraid of big bad guys, so I can't be scared of a little needle" he stated as he closed his eyes and looked away, making Chiyo and toshinori smile as she took the blood sample she needed. Izuku seeing she was done commented that it didn't hurt at all, toshinori laughed a little as he waited for the test to be completed.

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