The fight for our lives

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Rose has a crush on Kill. And hates Tyrone 'cause they're together. On with story!

Rose's POV:

It wasn't fair that Tyrone got Killian! He was hot and strong~ Uhhgg! Why does Tyrone even have him!? Killian deserves someone much better! Someone like... ME! I'm more powerful, more beautiful, and more trustworthy! Hmmm... I'VE GOT A PLAN! "Hey Mufusa~ Darling. Can you help me with something?" I say in a  sedusive tone. "What is it~?" Mufusa says. "Help me kidnap Killian." I reply. "Why?" Mufusa questions. "Because I like him!" I stated. "Ok!" Mufusa barks.

♪∆ sorry to all of you whom read that! :( ∆♪

I'm getting lazy! And sleepy. And hungry. Kill gets kidnapped at night! Wow! *Cricket noises* ok... :(

"LET ME GO! NOW!" Kill yells. "Nope~" I say booping his nose. "NOW! PLEASE!" Kill yells helplessly. "No~" I say again. "You'll stay here till the day YOU die." I say child like. "PLEASEEEEE!" Kill whimpers. "N.O!" I say. "DO YOU WANT TYRONE TO GO... ByE bYe!?" I scream. "Uhhg! Fine!" He says. "GOOD BOY!" I say as I leave. 

Kill's POV: 

Idiot! Didn't tie me up. I grab my phone. (TYRONE HELP!)>   <(Where are you?)  (At Rose and Mufusa's lair/place)>  <(Ok! I'll tell the rest)  (Ok but don't tell Mabel and Pacifica. Love you)>  <(Ok! Love you too!) I hope they come soon. Mabel would be like 'NO DON'T! MAYBE IT'S FOR THE BETTER!' Well it isn't woman! 'Dipper Kill made fun of me! Do something or I'll tell them!' STUPID! God I fucking hate her!!! Not everything is about you! 

30 minutes later

I here a woman scream. Tyrone walks in calmly. "Who's screaming?" I ask him. "I don't know, tbh" he replies. Lavender walks in as well. "Who's screaming?" Tyrone and I ask. "Rose." She answers. "Why. And how?" I ask. "Our mom and dad found out that she helped destroy you dimension, and when our parents are upset with her they shock her. It's kinda sad and at the same time it's not." She replied. "Shes always been... More... Bad then me. Same with the rest of my siblings. I never got noticed..." She says a sad tone. She then looks over out in the hall. "I'll be back. Stay. Here." She said as she calmly walked out. 

∆♪ OK sorry! I've been sick and busy so not a lot time to update. Hope you liked it. Did you guys like the very first story? Should I do one like that different ship? I still need to finish a one shot. Anyway sorry for everything! I love y'all and you can tell me any issue and I may be able to help! Bye! ♪∆

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