Chapter 2

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Catnap and dogday lay asleep in their house, which has mixed and became one. Catnap is nuzzled into dogday's chest purring while doing mitten paws

Dogday has an arm around his lover while his mouth and his tongue hang out, snoring softly

Catnap yawns and stretches. He sits up in bed for a few minutes, blinking sleeply till his eyes adjust to the room. He glances at Dogday before reluctantly getting up off the bed and makes his way over to the bathroom he sticks his tongue out while giving a look of disgust just thinking about getting wet but he knows that it had to get done. He walks over to the shower and turns on the water, adjusting the knobs to warm. As the water warms up, he mentally starts preparing himself to get into the shower

Dogday wakes up patting his chest, then looks confused, looking around seeing his boyfriend is now missing, 'wait, where?' He throws the blankets off freaking out, 'catnap!' He falls out of bed and rushes out into the hallway hearing the shower. He sneaks his way to the bathroom, opening the door seeing catnap's silhouette in the shower, he smirks devilishly sneaking in, and as soon as he's close enough, he reaches in and puts both hands on catnap's shoulders

Catnap jumps in fright as his mouth hangs open, but nothing comes out. he turns around to face Dogday. His claws come out ready to strike, but once he sees its Dogday, he relaxes slightly. He gives him an unamused look with his arms crossed

Dogday giggles and holds catnap close while nuzzling his cheek, 'I'm sorry to spook you cupcake, but it's only fair since you spooked me.' he kisses catnap's cheek

Catnap shakes his head, pulling away from him, playing hard to get. He mischievously smirks as he turns his back towards Dogday lightly, hitting him with his fluffy tail

Dogday smiles wide and turns catnap so they are facing each other he pins him to the wall and starts tongue kissing catnap while the water covers the two of them. They continue passionately kissing for a few minutes before pulling away, 'you taste like lavender' dogday whispers into catnap's ear

Catnap clings to dogday, nuzzling his wet chest and purring loud while hugging him. Dogday smiles and hugs him back, but that's when he notices something. He sees catnap crying he's trying to make noise, but nothing is coming out

Dogday turns off the shower and then turns back to him, 'Why are you crying? Are you upset because you had to take a shower?' He tries to calm his lover who looks up at him, tears still streaming down his face. Catnap points at dogday's midsection, which has purple stitches across it

Dogday looks down at the stiches, then smiles, looking back at him, putting his hand on catnap's cheek, causing him to look up, 'I don't remember what happened but I was stitched up by purple stitches so that must mean your the one who did it and besides no matter what I'll always love you my beloved' he says softly to catnap

Catnap sniffs and hugs dogday harder, nuzzling him, dogday picks him up and goes to the kitchen, trying to set him down, but catnap refuses to let go then wraps his tail around the two of them

Dogday smiles and sits, unable to do anything else, 'well I'm stuck like this for the rest of the day, probably,' he says, accepting his fate

After a few hours, dogday is carrying a basket of food while catnap carries a blanket behind him, both smiling

Catnap sets up the picnic blanket while dogday starts taking out food from the basket, catnap sits on dogday's lap, nuzzling him. Dogday kisses his cheek, and that's when he looks over to see the basket is full of organs and guts. His eyes widen, and he starts shaking as darkness looms around him

Catnap pulls his attention away from that and towards him. Dogday goes from looking at him to back to the basket only to find its normal again, 'huh, I'm sorry catnap' he sets the last of the food down. Catnap holds both of dogday's hands, kissing them

Dogday blushes and rubs his cheeks, 'Look how fluffy you are, my sweet little cupcake!'

Catnap smiles and gently pushes against him, then puts a finger on his hand and moves it around in a drawing motion

Dogday looks at the basket and starts looking through it, tilting his head, 'Hey sweetie, did you remember to bring your tablet?' He empties the whole basket, and there's no tablet in sight

Catnap looks worried and tries to look himself, while he looks dogday chimes in smirking, 'you know this wouldn't be a problem if you just learn sign language,' he says in a sarcastic tone

Catnap glares at him and holds up the middle finger, causing dogday to laugh. Catnap sighs, then looks at his lover and smiles. He points at the heart patch on his chest and then points at him

After they are finished with their picnic, they lay down next to each other, looking up at the night sky, admiring the stars. Dogday turns to catnap, 'you know out of all the stars in the sky I have to say I'm lucky to have the most beautiful one here'

Catnap smiles at him, giving him a kiss. They wrap their tails together while they kiss

In kickin's house, he walks back and forth planning, 'That damn cat thinks we all forgot about the nightmare we lived through, but I will make everyone remember the hell he caused,' he says coldly as he stabs a knife into a picture of catnap and dogday

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