Chapater-7 Yuuki Kagurazaka, Students And The Spirit Queen

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Eren:Is Shizu-San okay. How Is she.

Rimuru: She Is Alright but She Current in a Evolutionary Sleep.

Eren: Evolutionary Sleep??

Rimuru:Evolutionary Sleep means She Was Undergoing a Evolution and Will Sleep for Long Time.

5 Hours Later

Shizu:Thank You Rimuru-San *Bright Smile*

Rimuru: There Is No Need To Say That *Angelic Smile*

Raphael:《*pout* I Should have Been Praised By Master. I Have Take Care of This Bi*ch. So She Dosen't Come Between me And My Master》*In a Low Voice*


(A/N- So The First Harem Target Was Captured so Who Will be Next)

As They where Having There Talk Eren Barges Inside the Room And Hugs Shizu.

Eren: Are You Alright Shizu-San.

Shizu: Yes I am.

Shizu: I Think we Should Go Back To Guild.

Helios:《I Also Think So Master》

Shizu:》Who Are You《

Helios:《Sorry I Didn't Introduce myself. I am a Spirit Lord Of Light And My Name Is Helios Given by Rimuru-Sama. Who is Currently Residing Inside You Master》

(A/N- Helios Has A Will of It's Own and Can Talk to Shizu.)

Shizu:》So You Are Spirit Rimuru-San Summoned《

Helios:《Yes Master》

Eren: I Also Think So Because We Also Have To give a Report to the Guild.

Then They Got Ready To Leave Forest.
When They Are About to Go Shizu Asked Something to Rimuru.

Shizu: Rimuru-San Can You Please come With us And Help me.*Blushing*

Rimuru: Yes I would Love To and That *Winks at Shizu and Eren*.

At That Time Shizu & Eren Skip a Heart Beat.

Eren & Shizu: *Blushing As Red As A Tomato*

Kaval & Gido:(What Happened to These Girls)

As After There Chitchat They Get out Of The Forest And There Rimuru & Shizu Parted Ways From The Kaval'S Group.


After A Weak of Traveling They Reached Ingrassia The Home To The Free Guild, Freedom Academy and Western Council.

As We Get Near the The Gate of The City A Knight Asked For Our Identification.

Knight:Can I Get Your Identification.

Shizu:Here it is.

Shizu Gives Her Identification Card

Rimuru:Here's mine.

Knight: You can Go Now.

The Knight Gives Us The Entry to The City.

Rimuru:Wow So It's Ingrassia Huh. It's Quite Big.

After Walking For Sometime we Reached a huge modern building And It is The Headquarters of Free Guild.

Rimuru: Shizu-San Why Did you bring us Here.

Shizu: We are Here to meet one Of my Students His Name is Yuuki.

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