𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚 - 𝙪𝙣𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙚

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     "I can't believe I didn't think of this sooner!" Ava scolded herself as she brought in the boot Poe wore when she first met him. Along with his orange jumpsuit. Even BB-8 came with her, incase she could find any traces of droids. 

BB-8 piped a few little beeps of excitement. 

"I hope so too buddy!" She said overjoyed, setting everything on the translucent lab desk. "I have a good feeling about this."

Poe, Peter, Gamora and Nebula finally caught up to her and stood in the doorways as Ava scrambled around the office. Not to mention she dragged Rocket along in case she needed his technological knowledge. 

"You just don't stop, do you blondie?" Poe scoffed, folding his arms, watching her zip around the laboratory grabbing equipment and bottles of solutions that were beyond his comprehension.

Her chaotic organization caused a softness in his chest. The effect like he was leaving base in a launch. Weightless and floating, never wanting gravity to bring him down. The sound of her rambling fueling his with pride. Except it wasn't the pride in taking dwn a dreadknot or defeating the First Order in Exegol as one of his first missions as General. This was a different kind of pride, making him want to kiss her again like the last time. 

"I could have gotten so many more answers sooner!" Ava snorted a laugh of disbelief, a hand running through her hair as she continued to self-talk. She pulled over her a cream colored covering and goggles that she set to protect her eyes, then adding gloves that matched the shade of the Nova Corp uniforms. 

Poe squinted with the lift of hs chin and an amused smirk stretching on his face. "What do you mean? You going to disintegrate my stuff?"

"Nope." Ava said without loosing her focus as she sat on the stool. "Although I am capable of doing that."

"I don't doubt that." Poe shrugged with the click of his tongue and shake of his head. 

Then Ava turned her head over her shoulder with a grin. "But I'll make sure to keep your things intact." She assured with a tease.

Those eyes glowing like kyber crystals shining through the dark abyss of a cave. The material pouring light to result in the most fierce Jedi weapon. However, the resemblance of those optic lenses hadnothing to do with their creation of a lightsaber in this moment. Poe knew they were far more mesmerizing than the legendary stone.

"I can't promise anything." Rocket snickered, ruining the moment as Poe snapped his head down at the raccoon standing on the floor.

"Rocket," Gamora scolded with a hand pinching her nose. 

"What?" He scoffed. "It's not like this hotshot is going to need them since it's all junk."

BB-8 alarmed with rage and charged at the animal who hopped up on one of the lab desks just in time before the droid knocked him over.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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