Part Six

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The following day, when you saw Cillian on set, you tried to avoid him at all costs. What transpired between you the evening before confused you and even though James had left set, you knew the truth was still the same.

Cillian is married and so were you!

Resisting him, however, was somewhat difficult especially now that you had shared a kiss and, unfortunately for you, at around 4 o'clock you had to shoot a scene with him and the rest of the crew that was about to become the most difficult one yet.

The scene involved him and Florence Pugh who you only just had met earlier that day. It was a raunchy scene in which both of them were going to be completely naked save for some skin-colored underwear. It was the raunchiest scene in the movie and had to be shot on a closed set with just essential personnel.\

Daylight was fading and the scene had to be shot inside a cramped meeting room.

Cillian, despite your previous encounter, was professional, all business and did not look at you as you both prepared, side by side. When he took off his robe however, you audibly gasped, catching his attention.

His freckles were stark against his pale, reaching almost translucent skin.

He looked starved almost but also incredibly handsome as, without having to be asked, he took his position on the flimsy chair in the middle of the room.

His eyes flickered in your direction, but they quickly darted away, avoiding your gaze. You could almost see the distance growing between the two of you.

Yet, despite the awkward tension between you both, you couldn't help but feel drawn to him, even more so than before. He was the forbidden fruit, the spark that had ignited a fire inside of you, the one you couldn't quench, no matter how hard you tried.

"Quiet on set, please!" Chris announced, snapping you back into reality as Florence, too, took of her robe after having been counselled by the intimacy coordinator.

"Let's do this, shall we," she said professionally, shaking of her nervousness while Cillian simply nodded.

"Yes," he said almost silently as, somewhat awkwardly, Florence sat down on top of him.

Her naked body pressed against his as she looked at him, an awkward smile playing on her lips.

The tension between the two was palpable, somewhat nerve-wracking even, and you could feel the anticipation rising between the cast and crew.

Chris signalled the camera crew to start rolling before he shouted "Action!"

Florence gingerly moved, attempting to make her movements seem natural and seductive as Cillian sat passively underneath her just as he was instructed to do just as you yelled out for them to stop.

"Chris, the camera isn't focusing," you told him while the cameraman tried to fix it without luck.

The tension on the set was palpable, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as you watched the two actors uncomfortably.

As the cameraman worked tirelessly to find a solution, you couldn't help but steal glances at Cillian. Despite the awkwardness of the situation, he remained calm and composed, his piercing blue eyes focused on the scene.

"I am so sorry Flo, are you okay?" Chris asked, seeing that this must have been rather awkward for her, but she took it with a sense of humor.

"Of course, I am fine Chris! It's part of my job, it's cool," she replied, trying to lighten the mood, but you could see the slight embarrassment on her face, mirrored by Cillian.

The cameraman finally found a solution, and you signaled to continue. "Let's try it again, shall we?" you asked, hoping for better results as Chris yelled out "action".

The scene progressed once again, and with every movement, every sigh, you could feel your heartbeat quicken.

You tried to direct their motions as best as possible, but your mind constantly wandered to imagining Cillian in his raw, vulnerable state, despite yourself.

The camera captured each sensual movement, the emergence of desire, and the intimacy between Florence and Cillian until you were satisfied with the take.

"Cut," Chris called out after you nodded at him, signaling approval.

A sigh of relief washed over the set, allowing the tension to dissipate as Florence and Cillian untangled themselves from this awkward position before putting their robes back on.

You couldn't help but let your gaze drift back to Cillian, his freckled skin and lean body, the image seared into your memory. The heat forming in your cheeks reminded you of the kiss you shared, leaving it all feeling deliciously wrong with a lingering sensation of guilt.

"Well done everyone," you eventually said nonetheless, snapping out of your reverie and offering the actors a warm smile.

"I think that's a wrap for today!" Chris then announced, his voice booming through the set as the actors and crew members let out a collective sigh of relief and, just as you were about to turn around and help tidy up, Cillian reached for your arm carefully.

"Y/N, is there any chance we could talk?" Cillian asked, his voice soft and - surprisingly - nervous, causing your heart to skip a beat as you looked down at his hand carefully holding on to your arm.

Your first instinct was to pull away, terrified of what he might want to say and even more so, what your reaction would be.

But the concern evident in his bright blue eyes and the gentle touch of his hand stopped you from retreating.

"Okay," you finally said, your voice barely above a whisper as you motioned towards the empty chair next to you. "I will come to your trailer in a few minutes?"

you finally agreed, your voice barely above a whisper as you glanced around quickly to make sure nobody heard you. The last thing you wanted was for any rumors to spread even if they weren't necessarily true.

Cillian nodded, giving you a faint smile before releasing your arm and disappearing into the crowd of cast and crew members, who were busy packing up the set. Your heart was hammering in your chest as you watched him leave, knowing full well that what you were about to do could potentially ruin your life.

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