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Chapter 5

My phone buzzed next to me waking me from a fitful sleep. I couldn't get to sleep at all after getting home. I certainly had enough mental images to work with, letting my mind imagine so many things. I finally passed out around 5 am. I grabbed my phone and glanced at the screen before swiping.

"Hello," I murmured half into my pillow.

"Pete, it's 11:30 tell me you're not still in bed." Jon said semi-jokingly.

I sat straight up. Only 2 and ½ hours until I got to see her again my brain instantly computed.

"I couldn't sleep last night." I said with a new enthusiasm for the day.

"Why not?" He asked, "What's going on?"

"Nothing." Everything.

"Did you have too much caffeine?"

"Probably." And I met a girl. "And I met a girl." Dammit! I wasn't going to say that part out loud.

"Oh reallllyy." He replied in his grandmotherly voice. He did a lot of voices.

"Well... yea." I headed to the bathroom. My friends knew I got too excited about girls before there was even anything that I should be excited about. But there was something exciting and different happening this time. I could feel it. She was different. This was different.

"Are you peeing right now?"

"I said I just woke up!?" I replied in defense.

"Ugh." He sighed. "Where'd you meet this girl?"

I hesitated. "Starbucks." I answered, flushing the toilet.


"Not yikes. Noiiiiice." I replied. I started brushing my teeth. "I'm supposed to see her again today at 2." I said around my toothbrush.

"Dude, have you heard about this virus going around? Maybe just, stay in today."

I shook my head like he could see me and then spit into the sink. "No way."

"Not cancel - just push the date off a bit. Maybe this will blow over. Don't go out and get the germies. They're talking about a shelter in place order in the city."

"Who's talking?"

"The news and stuff. Haven't you been following any of it?"

"Nope. And I'm not rescheduling." I said walking back to the bedroom and sifting through a pile of clothes. I had over two hours, I didn't know why I was moving so quickly. The humming noise she made last night when I pulled her to me as we kissed replayed in my head, sending a jolt through my entire body. Maybe I'll go early because maybe she'll be early. Would that be creepy? But we're both creepy, right?

"Yes." Jon replied

"God damn, did I say that out loud?"

"Yes." He said again. "Pete don't get weird. I'm sure she's a nice lady but, you know, take it slow. Remember?"

"Don't kill my vibe, guy." I said going back into the bathroom. "I need to shower."

"Fine. But do not go that early!" He half shouted.

"Allllrighhhtttt," I replied firmly with a hint of anger.

"I love you." Jon said quickly.

"I love you." I replied and hung up.

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