. A Memory To Remember .

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A Memory To Remember

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"It is almost ten, why is he not here yet?" I constantly kept checking the time on my watch with a bunch of concerning thoughts running throughout my mind while waiting for my significant other at the corner of Hotel Debord. He surely wanted to keep his word that he'll be already here after the designated time he compromised me.

Yes, my lover or what they call him 'Lyney the Great' and I had tied our hearts since our teenage years specifically me sixteen, him seventeen when it was his biggest dream to become a well-known magician in Fontaine. Now that he is no longer a novice and been promoted to being officially one, it also happen to be in the day I turn into the twenties like him. What else could've been more exciting than celebrating a remarkable moment together?

I frowned on displeasure when my legs were about to give up to the thought of standing for nearly an hour now. The benches were freshly painted and still on a wet condition where it would completely dry on the following day, I have no damn other choice to—

"Y/N!" I heard my man screaming my name out loud as he was rushing over to my direction. When he got to the front of me, Lyney bended his body to touch his knees as he was trying to catch up his breathe after a long run from God knows where.

"Lyney! Oh dear you're sweating so much. You're lucky that I brought this with me," He properly got up when I walked closer to his body as I took out a flower embroidered handkerchief out of my purse to wipe the sweat gently on his face.

"I am so sorry to have you waiting, sweetheart. There was a lot of paparazzi on my way here and I had to take another route." Nothing else really mattered to me than his well-being to make sure that he's doing alright each day that passes. A smile appeared to both of our looks with my twinkling eyes gazing into his deep stunning violet ones.

Then it hit me when I was reminded that this man made me abide as I playfully throw the handkerchief to his confused face.

"Now just because you spent the whole day partying your new gained popularity, that doesn't mean that you have to leave me here." His laugh was contagious that my pouty mouth turned to a genuine form of smile. Lyney removed the squared cloth where he continued to brush off his delicate, hot— I mean, sweat.

"I'll make it up to you, because there is something that I want to show you." It was unexpected when he picked me up on a bridal style, as if my weight didn't made it feel heavy on his arms.

"H-hey! What are you gonna do to me this time?" I wrapped my hands around his neck while he was staring at me with a cheeky smirk.

"You'll see." He knows how much I am eager to be surprised with anything by him, so this really got me full of excitement deep within. After a faraway walk to the Aquabus and chitchatting during the ride, we arrived by the Marcotte Station and walking down together on one of Fontaine's admirable place, the Fountain of Lucine.

When we stopped infront of the fountain that is active bounded by thin radiance from the Opera Epiclese under the bright moonlight, I slipped my fingers through Lyney's to intertwine it and my head leaning to his snuggly shoulder.

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